Creating City Portraits
An earlier methodological guide for downscaling the Doughnut to the city (newer version available)

NOTE FROM DEAL (April 2022): We have substantively updated this methodological handbook and incorporated it into a wider set of 'Doughnut Unrolled' tools for applying the ideas of Doughnut Economics to your place.
DEAL is keeping this legacy tool available on our platform for archiving but it will not be updated.
For DEAL's latest guidance on selecting targets and indicators, please use the Doughnut Unrolled: Data Portrait of Place tool (available in English, French, German, Spanish, and Brazilian Portuguese).
Version 1.1 (February 2021)
* También disponible en español abajo (PDF) *
* 下面也提供葡萄牙语(PDF) *
* Também disponível em português abaixo (PDF) *
The DEAL Team collaborated with Biomimicry 3.8, C40 Cities and Circle Economy – through the Thriving Cities Initiative – to create the City Portrait methodology, and pilot the approach in Philadelphia, Portland and Amsterdam.
We created this methodological guide available as a PDF below with accompanying supplementary spreadsheet, which was published in July 2020 (with Spanish, Portuguese and Chinese translations published in February 2021).
The City Portrait methodology was conceptualised by Kate Raworth of Doughnut Economics Action Lab and Janine Benyus of Biomimicry 3.8, and this methodological guide was written by Andrew Fanning, Olya Krestyaninova, Kate Raworth, Jamie Dwyer, Nicole Hagerman Miller, and Fredrik Eriksson.
The methodology was greatly enriched by comments from colleagues and advisers including: Julia Lipton, Tom Bailey, Josh Alpert, Elvia Rufo Jimenez, Zach Tofias, Cécile Faraud, Mehrnaz Ghojeh, Chantal Oudkerk Pool, and Krisztina Campbell from the C40; Ilektra Kouloumpi, Annerieke Douma, Max Russell, and Jurn de Winter from Circle Economy; Paul van Schaik from Integral Institute; Ieva Rozentale from Mindworks; Philip Vergragt, Manisha Anantharaman, Halina Brown, and Christoph Rupprecht from SCORAI; Anne Owen from the University of Leeds; Kate Meyer from the Planetary Accounting Network; Nicolas Esposito, Haley Jordan, and Helena Rudoff from The City of Philadelphia; Kyle Diesner and Amanda Watson from The City of Portland, Oregon; Eveline Jonkhoff and Juan-Carlos Goilo from the City of Amsterdam; Christoph Gran and Tabea Waltenberg from ZOE Institute; Laure Malchair from Co-Create; Philippe Roman and Geraldine Thiry from ICHEC; Francesca Zecca from the University of Edinburgh; and Carlota Sanz and Rob Shorter from Doughnut Economics Action Lab.
The Isle of Wight Doughnut
Introducing the Isle of Wight's Doughnut portrait at the Biosphere Festival
Jornada Donut Cidades
Jornada de experimentação da ferramenta das 4 lentes para pensar cidades prosperas e resilientes.
Donut para Cidades E02
Material do 2o Encontro Donut para Cidades
Youngsters downscaling the Doughnut in the Hague
Using arts and the doughnut economy model youngsters become agents of change.
ACT! as a Doughnut Project in Frankfurt
An innovate, non-formal education programme with Doughnut economics at the heart. These are it's outcomes in Germany!
Donut for Cities Workshop: Brazil´s context
A Workshop to explore the 4 Lenses tools for Building Prosperous and Resilient Cities in Times of Climate Emergency
The Doughnut of Change: A Journey of Youth
Once upon a time in an European town, a vibrant community of students and teachers embarked on a transformative journey
The Doughnut to transform a University
Since 2022, the Doughnut is the new compass for transforming the University of Lausanne.
annemarieke van de ven
Lilian Marino
London, Greater London, England, United Kingdom
Bow - East London
Orléans, Loiret, France
If we are to achieve our goal of greater respect for our environment and the people who make up our society, we need to take action at every level. This is the reason why I decided to help companies, local authorities and organisations commit to a CSR and transition approach. Today, I offer CSR modules, seminar days and tailor-made support to get all teams involved in a comprehensive, integrated approach. After listening to Kate Raworth at a Conference, I felt that the doughnut had to be shared with as many structures as possible.
Kyungmin Lee
Suji-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea
Co-Founder of Y-Donut (Yongin Doughnut Economics Coalition) and an active member of Neutinamu Makers and Supunro Cooperative at Neutinamu Library. PhD in Public Administration, Senior Researcher at the Institute of Governmental Studies at Korea University. Research focuses on integrating Doughnut Economics into grassroots policymaking to foster regenerative and redistributive communities.
Erica Hinckson
New Zealand
Professor of physical activity and urban health at Auckland University of Technology in New Zealand.
Ankit Acharya
Kathy Lewis
Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada
I am a member of Imagine Lethbridge. We are a grass-roots group endeavouring to bring Doughnut Economics to our city. Our aim is to integrate the 7 Principles of Doughnut Economics and the Doughnut Economic framework into our Municipal Development Plan which will connect all organizations, groups and citizens who value cooperation and collaboration. We will create a "just and healthy future for all people and for the planet."
Charlotte Richter
For soon one year I have been a member of the Swedish Green Party and I am trying to learn as much as possible about how we can create a sustainable future. Since I read Doughnut economics I feel transformed - it gives me hope about how we can live in a better society. We are better than classic economics has describes us. We can change!