Our Mission
We are working towards creating a regenerative and distributive economy in Toronto - one that meets the needs of all people within the means of the living planet.
Our Strategy
Create a community of practice for like-minded individuals, communities, and organizations aligned with the Doughnut Economics principles. Work together to take action on and create transformative change in the following focus areas:
1. Awareness-raising and education
- Raise awareness and share information on the principles of Doughnut Economics and envision ways it can be applied to our city and communities.
2. Engaging with business
- Part of a pilot to test the Place-based Doughnut Design for Business tool to engage local businesses with the changes in business design that will enable transformative ideas in Toronto.
3. Engaging with local government
- Support community-driven policies that can accelerate local actions to align with Doughnut principles.
Activities & Services
Join us!
Anyone with a meaningful connection to our purpose is very welcome to join us - we’d love to hear from you!
Get in touchNothing to see here yet.
Jason Shriner
Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada
A curious, active citizen and life long learner. Contributing to a better present and future for my community by championing common interests over positional thinking. I’m part of a group in my city that is advancing a plan to implement doughnut economics locally.
Wynnie Zhao
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Project Manager at UN Global Compact Network Canada. Co-organizer of Doughnut Economics Collective Toronto.
Christoph Becker
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Associate Professor of Information and the Environment, University of Toronto Author of https://mitpress.mit.edu/books/insolvent