Researchers, policy analysts, civil activists and civil society representatives gathered at a conference in Exeter, 12-14 September, to discuss the prospect of “tipping points” in a warming world.
Over three days at the University of Exeter, the conference - co-hosted by Tim Lenton, Johan Rockstrom and others - aimed to both improve “warnings of the imminent risks of catastrophic climate tipping points” and accelerate “positive tipping points” to trigger “rapid and transformative solutions” to climate change.
In the session on 'positive' (desirable) social tipping points, Kate Raworth presented the ongoing work of Doughnut Economics Action Lab, and how the DEAL Team and Community work to amplify reinforcing feedbacks of inspiration and action, in the face of resistance from inherited systems and prevailing vested interests.
Carbon Brief wrote a comprehensive summary of the plenary discussions, providing links to many of the people, papers and issues discussed.
You can also learn more and watch back some of the sessions at the Tipping Points conference website.
Eva Marina Valencia Leñero
Mexico City, Mexico
Building sustainability transitions, by downscaling the doughnut with new methodological tools and implementation projects.
William Ferguson
Exeter, England, United Kingdom
I'm tired of everyone knowing what the crises are, and no one doing enough to stop them; just because they can't profit off it.
Get inspired, connect with others and become part of the movement. No matter how big or small your contribution is, you’re welcome to join!
Emi Imai
Middlesbrough, England, United Kingdom
Intro to Doughnut Economics course at Ubiquity Uni has inspired me to join the DEAL movement. Appreciate collaboration with you