Regenerate Costa Rica

How can the Doughnut help Costa Rica become one of the world's first regenerative countries?

Regenerate Costa Rica is an initiative that aims to turn Costa Rica into one of the world's first regenerative nations - one that meets the needs of all of its people within the means of the living planet.

Eduard Müller Castro is a Costa Rican environmentalist, scientist, activist and founder of the University for International Cooperation. He is one of the founders of Regenerate Costa Rica, and a global leader in promoting regenerative development and design nationally and beyond.

In this 30 minute video conversation, Ed talks to Kate Raworth about the initiative and the role that the Doughnut plays within it, both conceptually and as a starting point for new national metrics.

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    Mary Malgoire 5 months ago

    Can you give us an update?

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    Eduard Muller over 4 years ago

    I have been promoting holistic development my whole life. Now we have a tool for it!

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    Lola Perrin over 4 years ago

    Brilliant conversation, so inpirational

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