City Planning with the Doughnut in Cali, Colombia
The City of Cali in Colombia has downscaled the Doughnut as a local planning tool, with a set of related indicators, for their own city visioning and planning.

In May 2020, the newly elected government of the City of Cali, Colombia, adopted the Doughnut as a planning tool for its four-year developmental plan.
They created their own downscaled version, along with a set of locally determined social and ecological indicators.
Cali, in the west of Colombia, is home to over 2 million people and growing fast, with wide inequalities and many unmet social needs. At the same time the rich nature reserves surrounding the city are at growing risk of degradation.
In this 23 minute presentation, Roy Alejandro Bareras from Cali's Planning Department, introduces the downscaled Doughnut, along with some of the major challenges that the city faces, and the city's plans to tackle them, all through the lens of Cali's City Doughnut.
This presentation was part of the Humanity Rising webinar series run by Ubiquity University.
Sanjiv Shrivastava
Jannes Kruse
Aachen, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Deutschland
George Konstantopoulos
Athens, Αττική, Greece
Edson Cattoni
Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brasil
Jovana Cotrina
I am an architect, substitute teacher and master in Energy Efficiency and Sustainability in Building. Enthusiast of nature and reforestation
Marina Stögner
betina marmolejo
Bucerias, Nayarit.
¡Hi everyone! I'm a former sustainability consultant now starting my entrepenurial journey inspired by the values of the regenerative economy. I recently move to Bucerías, Nayarit, a little beach town in the Mexican Pacific where besides starting a small sustainable coliving by the beach, im learning to live "a good life" within the limits of our planet. I hold a BA in International Business by TEC de Monterrey in México and a MSc in Sustainability and Social Innovation by HEC Paris in France. Long story short, in 2015 I found out about the consequences of climate change and my life changed as I was unknowningly discovering my purpose in life...to fight this crisis and help change the world is what truly makes me happy in life. That made me found out about the doughnut and, the more I read about it the more I fell in love with it. With my project I hope to bring the doughnut closer to the LATAM community in the present and future becasue I'm confident it will greatly improve the wellbeing of many many people in my country and region.
Madeline Paul
Boulder, Colorado, United States of America
My name is Madeline, I am an outdoor enthusiast and current graduate student at Rhein-Waal University of Applied Sciences in Kleve, Germany. Becasue my courses in Sustainable Development Management are remote due to Coronavirus, I am living in Boulder, Colorado. In addition to school, I am involved in a project that teaches coding and entrepeurship to incarcerated women and would like to use my studies to create more inclusive economic systems.