Doughnut cottage on tour
Who will show the world the Kate Raworth Dougnut cottage from the exhibition EndLESS Amsterdam?

Amsterdam will be a circular city. In April 2020, the mayor and a group of lawmakers endorsed the strategy for Circular Amsterdam 2020–2025. This plan lays out how, over the next five years, initial steps will be taken towards a significant reduction in the use of new raw and other materials.
The decision drew Amsterdam global attention as being ‘the world's first Doughnut City’. Many other cities are now approaching Kate Raworth in order to develop their own strategies. Expectations are also high in Amsterdam. What does the transition to a circular economy mean for its residents, businesses, and flora and fauna? Can urban growth be sustainable? And how do we see this reflected in the built environment?
The doughnut house
The walls of this “doughnut house” feature inspirational quotes from Kate Raworth’s book “Doughnut Economics: Seven Ways to Thinks Like a 21st-century Economist”. Raworth is a British economist and the founder of the doughnut economy. In her book, she describes in seven steps how the current economy can change drastically. When dark, the letters on the roof reflect on it's surroundings and beam the principles of a circular world. Written in Dutch and English people can wander around it, read the quotes or take a peak inside.
Please write to Thijs@arcam.nl if interested!
For more info check our webiste on the exhibition or the digital opening of the EndLESS Exhibition.
EndLESS Amsterdam — arcam
Dag van de Stadsrand #5: EndLESS Amsterdam - YouTube
A City Portrait Canvas for Workshops
A workshop tool to evaluate strategies through the City Portrait’s ‘4 lenses’
A Quick Introduction to the Doughnut
Introducing the Doughnut and its application in Amsterdam
Creating City Portraits
An earlier methodological guide for downscaling the Doughnut to the city (newer version available)
Donut Days At School
A 7-step guide to introducing a 'Donut Day' in your school
Doughnut Dreams and the Dream Spiral
An activity to imagine your vision of a future when we are all living in the Doughnut
Doughnut Economics Education: A Teacher's Guide
An overview of the lessons, activities and teaching tools available on the DEAL Community Platform
Doughnut Economics Journey of Knowledge Map
Icebreaker to enable meeting attendees to share in a group activity. It creates an atmosphere of active participation.
Is the Doughnut the Answer (Dutch)
A journey along sustainability issues based on the Doughnut Model