Exploring post-growth futures in the EU
A 2-hour webinar on 'Economic sustainability for the 21st century’, hosted by the European Commission

"The question is not so much whether we need to re-invent a post-growth model ... The case for a post-growth model, I think, is won. The question for me is much more: how do we do that? I hope that you will focus very much not on whether, but much more on how this morning."

Participants throughout the event shared different perspectives on policy-making in an EU that thrives without growth, including the DEAL Team's Andrew Fanning.
We think the whole session is worth a watch, and here's to hoping that it turns out to be a pivotal moment in transforming decades of research and knowledge into EU policy action.
Watch the event recording here (on the European Commission Streaming Service)
Find the agenda and the list of inspiring speakers below, moderated by Thomas Arnold, DG Research & Innovation (with timestamps):
Opening remarks
- Jean-Eric PAQUET, Director General, DG Research & Innovation (9:00:00 - 9:02:30)
- Hans Bruyninckx, Executive Director, European Environment Agency (9:02:30 - 9:07:45)
Keynote presentation
- Mike Asquith, European Environment Agency: Reflecting on green growth: Creating a resilient economy within environmental limits (9:07:45 - 9:22:30)
Panel discussion
- Andrew Fanning, Doughnut Economics Action Lab: The social shortfall and ecological overshoot of nations (9:22:50 - 9:29:35)
- Guntram B. Wolff, Bruegel: Can climate change be tackled without ditching economic growth? (9:30:00 - 9:41:35)
- Julia Steinberger, University of Lausanne: Urgent need for post-growth climate mitigation scenarios (9:41:40 - 9:51:30)
- Christine Corlet Walker, Centre for the Understanding of Sustainable Prosperity, University of Surrey: Welfare systems without economic growth: A review of the challenges and next steps for the field (9:51:30 - 9:59:30)
- Mario Pansera, University of Vigo: Examining the role of innovation in a post-growth era (9:59:30 - 10:07:40)
- Hans Stegeman, Triodos Investment Management: Reset the economy - Investing in radical change (10:07:50 - 10:14:00)
- Zora Kovacic, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya: Growth without economic growth (10:14:50 - 10:20:45)
- Alessio Terzi, European Commission DG Economic & Financial Affairs: Economic Policy-Making Beyond GDP (10:21:00 - 10:27:15)
Closing remarks & comments
- Sandrine Dixson-Decleve, Co-president, Club of Rome: 21st Century Transformational Economics (10:27:40 - 10:40:40)
- Roman Arjona, Chief Economist, European Commission DG Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship & SMEs: EU Green Deal and beyond - Towards a regenerative wellbeing economy? (10:40:50 - 10:54:00)
Inge Vandijck
I am an economist, impact entrepreneur, and consultant with over 20 years of experience working with large organizations in both the public and private sectors. My expertise lies in Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC), where I have provided consulting and training to help organizations navigate complex challenges and achieve their goals. I see sustainability as the core of risk management, where both threats (negative risks) and opportunities (positive risks) are integral to creating long-term value. As John Adams once said, "Every problem is an opportunity in disguise," and this perspective is central to my approach—transforming challenges into opportunities for sustainable growth and resilience. I named my company Bright Phoenix because the phoenix symbolizes resilience and transformation—qualities I help my clients cultivate as they rise to meet today’s challenges. Learning about the doughnut economic model was a true eureka moment for me. As I delved deeper, I realized I’m not alone—several others in the DEAL community have also expressed similar revelations. The model encapsulates my mission: to guide my clients to operate in the sweet middle of the doughnut—within planetary boundaries while respecting societal needs—ensuring their businesses thrive sustainably. What brings me to the DEAL community is this shared vision. I am excited to contribute my experience as a strategist, systems thinker, and storyteller, while learning from others in this inspiring network.
Merle Becker
Frankfurt (Germany) / Brussels (Belgium)
My Mission: To create sustainable visions for the future through facilitation, moderation and communication. By building a global community of future makers, walls are torn down and bridges are built - towards a socially just, sustainable future. I am an experienced TV and event host as well as a workshop facilitator with an academic background in Peace and Conflict Resolution. I do have my focus on complex future issues with a special interest in sustainability - in German, English and French.
Stefan Schöggl
Vienna, Wien, Austria
Marek Mencl
Czech Republic
Marek is an entrepreneur, service designer and facilitator who founded the design and innovation studio Pábení. He has a long-term interest in the social and environmental impacts of climate change (in particular) on the Czech Republic. His ambition is to help the world with meaningful innovations, thanks to which Czech companies and organizations meet their financial goals, while creating safe and fair conditions for life.
George Brown
Promoting Doughnut Economics principles and initiatives through cryptocurrency philanthropy. Main area of interest is addressing systemic barriers to meaningful climate action
jessica rowe
St. Agnes, England, United Kingdom
Aleksandra Kekkonen
Tallinn, Harjumaa, Estonia
Circular Economy and Sustainable Living enthusiast. Experienced Researcher with a demonstrated history of working in the higher education industry, skilled in Human Capital, Macroeconomics, Innovation Regional Development, International Relations, and Business Process Management, Circular Economy, and Project Management.
Shannon Coles
Otley, West Yorkshire
I am a volunteer with Otley 2030, a group set up to work with our community to build a climate friendly and socially just town