Extremadura 2030 Ecosystem
Ecosystem for the Green and Circular Economy in Extremadura (Spain)

So far this work has not had any significant impact in the Extremadura region.
Luis Palicio
Leeds (UK) / Oviedo (Spain)
I'm a 37 years old food safety expert from Spain but living in the UK for the last decade. Our current model is unsustainable and that's we need to use frameworks like Doughnut economics to reshape our local communities and way of living. I have experience in food manufacturing and involvement of civil society and community work.
Alejandro Hernández Renner
Los Santos de Maimona, Spain
I wish to share with the community 30 years experience in entrepreneurship; project design and management; strategic management and analysis; human teams leadership; alliances and institutional relations; advanced philanthropy. All those activities in the fields of business design, start-up and growth; local and business development; corporate and social innovation, ICT and R+D; public administration; specially with an international dimension. I now serve professionally at Fundacion Maimona (https://maimona.org/), and do some research at G.I.EMTURIN (http://emturin.com/) in south-east Spain´s Extremadura. I am a member of the ADE (Alianza Dónut España , https://www.alianzadonut.es), thus I also describe myself as: [Banner_Embajador ADE Dónut.png]
Amanda Faulkner
Harrogate, England, United Kingdom
Tarik Bouriachi
Redange-sur-Attert, Redange, Luxembourg
Mycelium est une organisation œuvrant dans le diagnostic partagé et la facilitation de processus collectifs auprès des communes et autres institutions publiques.
Diego Chinchilla
Madrid, Comunidad de Madrid, España
Teaching Economics in High School for many years has made clear to me that students need straight, shiny, high-spirited proposals such as the Doughnut´s. The Earth needs our happyness.