MasterPeace As A Driver of Transformation
With the support of MasterPeace Foundation the city of the Hague is downscaling the Doughnut for youngsters and teachers

The region “Zuid West is part of the beautiful city of The Hague, seat of the Dutch government. The " Zuid West" region is multicultural; home to 160 different nationalities. Like many urban areas Zuid-West faces socio-economic multi-issues, characterized by (long-term)
unemployment, poverty, health problems and growing disadvantaged young people in a socially weak environment.
Social cohesion is low. Many residents regularly feel unsafe in their own neighborhood. Almost half of the residents have difficulty affording basic costs of living.
Like in many cities and countries there is a trust gap, especially between youngsters and authorities. The city of the Hague and other stakeholders are aware of this and therefore invite youngsters to become active citizens, co-creators of their own future.
Our ambition:
The Doughnut Economy Methodology resonates with the city’s ambition; to be the place to be, a thriving city that embraces social inclusion within the boundaries of the planet. We strongly believe that this approach is an urgent need. Governments cannot handle this alone. All citizens, business, educators and CSO’s are needed. On the local level the transformation takes the entire ecosystem, from ideation to implementation.
With the support of MasterPeace Foundation the local authorities aim to downscale the methodology ready to be used by youngsters, teachers and youth workers. They are the proud frontrunners downscaling the methodology to youngsters and implementing a multistakeholder approach in collaboration with partner countries in the EU in Germany (Wiesbaden); Romania (Ploiesti); Slovakia (Secovce) ; Poland (Ruda Kozielska)
Our target groups:
- Primary; Youngsters who feel stereotyped. To bridge the gap between youngsters and authorities their voices should be heard. The level of participation needs to grow (according to Roger Harts “Ladder of Participation” from Tokenism to citizenship) ; the ambition is to “engage the non- engaged” and that they become our co-creator and advisor to create perspective for their own future (entrepreneurship, employment, earn a living, have a safe space, a house to live)
- Secondary: teachers (Zuid West College) Youth workers (Wijkz, StreetSport, Vreedzame wijk) and other active citizens like "buurtmoeders" for scaling via train the trainer; blended learning and the opportunity to disseminate and share with many; our ambition is to facilitate their skills and innovate their portfolio with new non-formal educational materials
- Tertiary: local stakeholders like housing corporations (Staedion) , city police, local artists from Dakota and graffiti artists from The Hague Street Art (Sjors Kouthoofd, Ringo Mollinger).
- Overall: national and global communities; society at large
Our theory of change/ transformation approach
The approach with youngsters in the lead is based on a three phased approach (in line with the MasterPeace approach which is in lie with youth strategy developed by the EU in 2021;
- to engage 2) to connect 3) to empower
The aim is to work towards a “thriving” city, driving a transformation that impacts people's values and behaviors . This also requires changes in the governance, the systems and procedures that are in place in our society. Focal point in the approach is the model invented by Ken Wilber:

I. Engage young people by using arts, sports and play to get their interest into the topic.
Topics: Sustainable Development Goals, Talents, Values
This covers the challenges the neighborhoods face, how they relate to the broader perspective of the Sustainable Development Goals and what residents, in particular the youngsters can do about it. The youngsters self esteem grows.
Tools: Kahoot! Quiz/ gamification, Core Values Game, Arts for Social Change like visualisation via StreetArt and storytelling via rap
Results: I am, I matter 2) I am a European 3) I am I learn
Leaning Goals:
Topic: Talents
- Knowledge: you know what category of talents there are.
- Insight: you understand that every person has their own unique talent.
- Ability: you are able to indicate what your talents are.
Topic: Values
- Knowledge: you can explain what values are.
- Insight: you understand why values are important
- Ability: you show which values are most important to you and why
Topic: Sustainable Development Goals
- Knowledge: you know what the Sustainable Development Goals are.
- Insight: you can name the most urgent global challenges.
- Ability: you creatively express your opinion/your dream for a more sustainable and socially just world.
II. Connect young people with other stakeholders in their community to widen their view.
Topics: Dialogue, Fake News, Team Diversity
Tools: Inclusive Dialogue, Storytelling
Results: 1) We are dreaming our city, 2) We are connected
Learning Goals:
Topic: Dialogue
- Knowledge: you know how to participate in an inclusive dialogue.
- Insight: you understand why it is important to listen to other points of view.
- Ability: you are able to enrich your point of view by integrating the wisdom of others in order to achieve common goals
Topic: Fake News
- Knowledge: you can recognize fake news and name the difference between facts and opinions.
- Insight: you understand the negative effects of fake news.
- Ability: you are able to find trustworthy information.
Topic: Team Diversity
- Knowledge: you know what makes a team successful.
- Insight: you realize that a diverse team leads to better results.
- Ability: you are able to work together successfully as a diverse team.
III. Empower young people to provide them with the tools to take action and make a positive change
Topics: Doughnut Economy, City Portrait, System Thinking, Social Entrepreneurship
Tools: Personal Doughnut Scan, Doughnut Puzzle, Social Business Model Canvas
Results: 1) WE act and campaign, 2) we act and implement, 3) we act and co create
Learning Goals:
Topic: Doughnut Economy
- Knowledge: you can explain the doughnut economy and its five themes in a broad sense.
- Insight: you can state which global and/or local challenges are important to you and why.
- Ability: You have chosen, as a team, one of the five doughnut themes you want to learn more about and for which you want to make a positive change. Based on the team’s priorities, talents and interests.
Topic: City Portrait & System Thinking
- Knowledge: you know how to make an analysis of the current local situation focussing on one of the five doughnut themes, including different points of view.
- Insight: you can analyze which factors are of most influence to improve the current local situation.
- Ability: you can formulate advice towards decision makers what needs to change to improve the current situation.
Topic: Social entrepreneurship
- knowledge: you know how a social business model canvas works
- insight: you can create your own business canvas for your idea for positive change
- ability: you are able to pitch the business model to potential funders (dragons den) and/or you organize funding for the first activities.
Vanya Avramova
Tilburg, the Netherlands
Natalia van der Wee
Utrecht, The Netherlands
I'm an educational management professional. Currently I'm contributing to the better future of the world working at MasterPeace foundation. As a member of the so called Core Team, I develop innovative educational products for Non-formal education on topics of peace building, sustainability, art for social change. Interested in #wholechilddevelopment and #gamification in education.