Open Letter for a Course in Regenerative Economics
An invitation to secondary school educators & staff to support the creation of a Regenerative Economics course

This open letter supports the creation of a free, open-access classroom-ready course in Regenerative Economics. All secondary school educators and administrators worldwide, from all school types and systems, are invited to join us by signing to show your support for this initiative.
We, the undersigned secondary-school educators and administrators, want to equip our students with the knowledge and skills needed to create a future of human and ecological thriving.
In our view, today’s mainstream economics education is failing to do this. In some cases, mainstream economics education perpetuates the degenerative economic systems we have inherited by:
- framing the economy as separate from society and nature;
- assuming that endless economic growth is desirable and possible;
- ignoring the vital, regenerative role of household care and of the commons in the economy;
- using outdated models that paint humanity as essentially self-interested and competitive; and
- reducing the student’s role to being a passive recipient of narrowly-framed information about the economy, rather than supporting student agency to understand and catalyse economic transformation.
Every year, hundreds of thousands of students leave secondary and tertiary economics education courses and programs without the foundations and insights they need to help create economies that can meet human needs within planetary boundaries. This must change.
Through their Track Changes project, the student organisations Teach the Future UK and SOS-UK invited teachers and academics to collaborate in revising secondary economics curricula. Through this work, a new syllabus in Regenerative Economics has been developed that reframes students’ understanding of the purpose and workings of the local-to-global economy. The syllabus was co-created by secondary educators, researchers, and academics including Kate Raworth, David Bollier and Emily Jones.
This Regenerative Economics syllabus:
- frames complex, adaptive economic systems as embedded in and dependent upon social and natural systems;
- presents the economy, including business and finance, as a means to achieve social and ecological wellbeing, rather than as an end in itself;
- recognises the importance of multiple provisioning systems - the household, the market, the commons and the state - and highlights their interdependence;
- explores the role, impact, and ethical responsibilities associated with the international exchanges of a country, its businesses and its residents;
- helps students understand their own lived experience in the economy, and how they can be part of transforming current economic systems to meet human needs within planetary boundaries.
To turn this Regenerative Economics syllabus into a classroom-ready course, the next step is the development of a comprehensive, free, open-access online textbook with learning activities and assessment models that enhance student agency.
We ask funders to provide financial support for developing the proposed free, open-access Regenerative Economics textbook and supporting materials.
Once these resources are developed, we are interested in piloting part or all of the Regenerative Economics course in our schools to learn about and help co-create teaching methods for introducing and applying these concepts with students.
Together, we can accelerate the paradigm shift in economics education to provide secondary-school students with the education and skills that they seek and deserve.
Link to sign the letter:
Prototype info: https://doughnuteconomics.org/tools/244
Contact: jennifer@regenerativeeconomics.earth
- Paul Fochtman | Head of School | Frankfurt International School | Germany
- Eve Jardine-Young | Principal | Cheltenham Ladies College | UK
- Conrad Hughes | Director General | International School of Geneva | Switzerland
- Roel Scheepens | Rector | Maartenscollege and International School Groningen | Netherlands
- Daun Yorke | Head of School | Hanoi International School | Vietnam
- Andrew Watson | Head of Upper School | Faraz-Kiyani Mirza | Economics Teacher | International School of Amsterdam | Netherlands
- Kevin House | Group Education Futures Architect | Education in Motion | Singapore
- Lodewijk van Oord | Head of College | United World College Maastricht | Netherlands
- Chrissie Sorenson | Head of School | Bavarian International School | Germany
- Björn Walden | Head of School | Strothoff International School | Germany
- Gregory Threlfall | Director of Outreach | Shrewsbury International School Bangkok | Thailand
- Brandie Smith | Head of School | Leipzig International School | Germany
- Andreas Koini | Head of School | Antwerp International School | Belgium
- Jane Thompson | Head of School | American School of Paris | France
- Hannah Wenger | IBDP Coordinator | Eastern Mediterranean International School | Israel
- Brian Sutton | IBDP Economics Teacher | Riverside School Prague | Czechia
- Elena Lengthorn | Senior Lecturer Teacher Education | School of Education, University of Worcester | UK
- Kim Polgreen | Sustainability Educator | Oxford University | UK
- d'Arcy Lunn | Group Head of Sustainability and Global Citizenship | Education in Motion / Teaspoons of Change | China
- Fiona Old | Head of Geography | Kingsthorpe College | UK
- Kate Gray | Director | Manchester Steiner Ltd | UK
- Michael Rowlands | Head of Economics | Rochester Independent College | UK
- Rachel Allen | Assistant Head of Sixth Form | Secondary School in NE Wales | Wales
- Priyanka Chakraborty | Lecturer | Sonarpur College | India
- Alexander Gerber | Research Director, Dept. Chair for Science Communication | Institute for Science & Innovation Communication | Germany
- Richard Owens | Director | Woodleigh Institute | Australia
- Roberto Estevez | Board Member | Colegio santo domingo | Argentina
- Maria Alejandra Gonzalez-Perez | Professor of Corporate Sustainability | Universidad EAFIT | Columbia
- Patricio Angonoa | School legal representant | Colegio Kopernikus | Chile
- Neil Shanks | Clinical Assistant Professor | Baylor University | USA
- Dominique Marie Times | Teacher, Grad Student | Secondary school, Boston University | USA
- Petia Tzokova | Affiliated Lecturer | University of Cambridge | UK
- Max Foxall | Teacher of English | Robert College | Turkey
- Jay Tompt | Lecturer | Schumacher College | UK
- Eva Vandenberghe | Masters Student | Ghent University | Belgium
- Chris Stevens | Headmaster | Bradfield College | UK
- Ciaran Cousins | English Teacher | Oeiras international school | Portugal
- Reinaldo Martínez | CEO | Mater Natura NGO | Venezuela
- Sally Hawker | Teacher of English | Wolverley CE Secondary | UK
- Catherine Misson | Education Strategist | Independent Schools, NSW & VIC | Australia
- Lachlan Wood | IB DP Env. Systems & Societies Teacher, Global Citizenship Coord. | Australian Independent School Indonesia
- Ellen Field | Assistant professor | Faculty of Education, Lakehead University | Canada
- Michael Reid | Tutor | School of Philosophy, Cambridge | UK
- Patrick J. Walsh | Chair, Social Studies | Catlin Gabel School | USA
- Rachel Musson | Director of Learning | ThoughtBox Education | UK
- Martin Wm. Collins | Freelance Educator | UK
- Jessica Tipton | Founder | UK Schools Sustainability Network | UK
- Brent Poland | Head of History | St John Houghton CVA | UK
- Daniel Pullin | Economics Teacher | Burford School | UK
- Phil Randay | Geography Teacher | St Andrews Academy | UK
- David Jones | Maths tutor | York College | UK
- Sam Moore | Teacher of Economics & Business | St Laurence School | UK
- Sam Janes | Head of Economics | Oundle School | UK
- Fátima Campos | Sciences Secondary School Teacher | IES EL RINCÓN
- Abigail Lovell | Senior Leader at a Secondary School | Matford Brook | UK
- Andrew Macdonald-Brown | English teacher & Sustainability Head | Francis Holland School | UK
- Melanie Morgan | Teacher | GES Kuwait | Kuwait
- Rachel Manning | Head of Youth Networks | Global Action Plan/UKSSN | UK
- Kate Sommerville | Senior Master | The Lisboan International School | Portugal
- Alan Parkinson | Head of Geography | King's Ely Junior | UK
- Nicole Markle | Middle School FRYSC | West Jessamine Middle School | USA
- Trish Hansen | Principal | Urban Mind Studio | Australia
- Jasmine Turner | Head of Business and Economics | St Mary's and St John's CE School | UK
- Sally Bailey | Executive Director, Artemis Programs | Melbourne Girls Grammar School | Australia
- Zarina Long | Geography Teacher | Nord Anglia International School Dubai | UAE
- Maggie Favretti | Author, Learning in the Age of Climate Disaster | Design Ed 4 Resilience | USA
- Nuala Glanton | Adult Education Officer | Cork ETB | Ireland
- Ian Mcdermott | Chemistry teacher | Harris Westminster | UK
- Kit Marie Rackley | Freelance Geography educator, podcaster, author and consultant | Geogramblings, Geographical Association and NASBTT | UK
- Chris Caves | Director of Academic Affairs | Chinese International School | China (HK)
- Samuel Wines | Co-Founder | Co-Labs Australia | Australia
- Catherine Agius | Teacher of English/Head of Year | Bramcote College | UK
- Violeta De Leon | Parents and Teacher Association EE. UU. | North East ISD | USA
- Paddy Nelson | Communications Co-ordinator | Rethinking Economics International | UK
- Juliette Alenda | Assistant Professor | Radboud University | Netherlands
- Shamir Shehab | Founder and Trustee | Bangladesh Youth Environmental Initiative (BYEI) | Bangladesh
- Yohanes Andika Tjitrajaya | Lecturer | Parahyangan Catholic University | Indonesia
- Robert Austin | Lecturer in Physics | Purdue University | USA
- Amyaz Moledina | Professor of Economics | The College of Wooster | USA
Katherine Fey | Head of T&L | Pate’s Grammar School | UK - Cat Ho | Practitioner-Researcher Critical Economic Literacy and Teacher | University of Illinois - Urbana-Champaign and Dulwich College | Singapore / China
- Marina Perunovska | IB Economics Teacher | NOVA International Schools | North Macedonia
- Zachary Czuprynski | Sustainability Coordinator & Educator | Prescott College | USA
- Noémie Vauthey | Teacher | Collège de Grand Champ | Switzerland
- Sylvain Hours | Economics Lecturer | University of Montpellier | France
- Katarina Gromova | Headmaster | Talent Campus Zürichsee | Switzerland
- Michelle Blanchet | Founder | The Educators' Lab | Switzerland
- Giuseppe Alkire | Masters Student | Indiana University - Bloomington | USA
- Mason Pashia | Creative Director | Getting Smart | USA
- Beatriz Martins Arruda | Ph.D. Student | University of Campinas | Brazil
- Ian Hunt | Lecturer, Critical Studies | Deparment of Art, Goldsmiths | UK
- Vicky Hwang | Founder | BOLDER NOW | Taiwan
- Samson Swanick | Director of Global Citizenship | Dulwich College Beijing | China
- Megan Murray-Pepper | Teacher of English | Magdalen College School Oxford | UK
- Sjoukje Goldman | Associate Professor Sustainable Marketing | Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences | Netherlands
- Teodoro José Eustáquio de Oliveira | Professor de Economia | Universidade de Itaúna | Brazil
- Anna Fletcher | Head of Sixth Form | The Charter School North Dulwich | UK
- Ben Christopher | Head of Economics | Dubai College | UAE
- Rosa Ana Cervera | Sociologa ecofeminista | Ecofemismos Valencia | Spain
- Marwa Elgezery | Principal | Kansai International Academy | Japan
- Rosa Tibosch | Community Manager Green Offices Metropol Region Amsterdam | ROC, Amsterdam Univ., Univ. of Amsterdam and Amsterdam Univ. of Applied Sciences | Netherlands
- Jo Sayers | Director & Learning Designer | LearnJam | UK
- Marsha McDougall | IB Economics Teacher | Holly Uttley | Head of Humanities | Munich International School | Germany
- Pravin | IBDP Economics and IBMYP Individuals and Societies teacher | International School of Turin | Italy
- Tina Graham | Principal | Kingsbridge Community College | UK
- Tung Tung Chan | Senior Manager | United Nations Principles of Responsible Management Education (UN PRME) | USA
- Roo Stenning | Head of High School | St Andrews International School, Bangkok | Thailand
- Gerardo de Vega | Social Impact Lead | Country Day School | Costa Rica
- James Mattiace | Co-Founder, Head of International Partnerships | Our Sole Success | Mexico
- Hal Ott | IB Coordinator | Gulliver Prep | USA
- Allen Gunderson | Business Department Head & Social Studies Teacher | Spectrum Community School (Greater Victoria School District) | Canada
- Zoe Badcock | ESS Teacher and Leader in Sustainability and Innovation | International School of Zug and Luzern | Switzerland
- Jonathan Halden | Secondary School Principal | International School of Geneva - La Grande Boissière | Switzerland
- Richard Sharkey | Economics Dept | Christ’s Hospital | UK
- Myra Stok | Student | London School of Economics | UK
- Nirmala Josephine Venkatesh | Secondary Economics teacher | Gems Westminster school | UAE
- Cindy Müller | IBDP Business teacher | Germany
- Anne-Marie Codur | Chair | The University of the Middle East Project | Remote
- Diego Parra | Latin America Regional Program Director | The Nature Conservancy | Columbia
- Tessa Liebman | Teacher | Christelijk Lyceum Zandvliet | The Netherlands
- Morayo Stephen Odeyemi | Economics Teacher | Graceland International School, Port Harcourt | Nigeria
Ruth Sapsed | Director | Cambridge Curiosity and Imagination | UK - Dr Penny Hay | Professor of Imagination | Bath Spa University | UK
- Sacha Knox | Economist | Economists for Future | South Africa
- Azhar Rasool | Economics Teacher | The Cheltenham Centre | China
- Jacob Rask | Lecturer in Economics | ROSKILDE UNIVERSITY | Denmark
- Alex Catallo | Co-Founder and Education Lead | Curriculum for Life | alex@curriculumforlife.com | UK
Andrew Watson | Co-Director | Sustainability Education www.sused.org | a.watson@sused.org | Ireland - Adolfo Chautón Pérez | Territorial Innovation Coordinator | Planeta Alecrim Associação | Portugal
- Carla Esteves | Master's Student | ISCTE | Portugal
- Bhagya Raj | Investment Associate | Future Alternative Ltd | UK
- Steve Cochrane | Executive Director | Institute for Humane Education | USA
- Swaminathan Prabhuram Mudaliyar | Economic Facilitator | The Pupil | India
- Cody Dolnick | Adjunct Lecturer | Southwestern Community College | USA
- Davie Philip | Educator, community facilitator | Cultivate | Ireland
- Alex Miers | Post Graduate Certificate in Ecological Economics | University of Leeds | UK
- Cyrus Mbugua | ReGeneration Steward | Kwezi Konsult | Kenya
- Gareth Manning | Lead Educator and Curriculum Designer | REAL School Budapest | Hungary
- Blair Peterson | Secondary Principal | The International School of Tanganyika | Tanzania
- Oliver Fischer | Economics teacher | Greenhead college | ofischer@greenhead.ac.uk | UK
- Ralph Hall | Professor | Virginia Tech | rphall@vt.edu | USA
- Diego Parra | Regional program director (Latin America) | The Nature Conservancy | Colombia
- Mark Johnston | Head of Department, Economics | King's College | New Zealand
- Elaine Howarth | Economics Student | York University | Canada
- Dominique Bollinger | Sustainability Coordinator for HES-SO | HES-SO - University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland | Switzerland
- Anne Snick | Member | Club of Rome | Belgium
- Chris Holtslag | Teacher | Helsieni | Finland
- Molly Linehan Belcher | Theology Teacher | Charleston Catholic High School | USA
- Moosa Yousuf | Teacher of Economics, Business, and Mathematics | Bay House School and Sixth Form | UK
- Hilary Darcy | Global Citizenship Education Coordinator | Financial Justice Ireland | Ireland
- Denise McMahon | Head of Economics | Institute Le Rosey | Switzerland
- Paula Cordeiro | Professor of Educational Leadership | University of San Diego | USA
- Kathryn Milun | Professor/Director Solar Commons Project | University of Minnesota | USA
- Elzbieta Koralewska | Teacher of Economics and Business Management | Kent College Canterbury | UK
- Carla Günther | Student | University of applied sciences Neu-Ulm | Germany
- Letícia Cardona Teruel | Secondary social sciences teacher | La Nostra Escola Comarcal | Spain
- Add your school or education organisation by signing the open letter!
Ma. Marilou Ibita
Michelle Blanchet
I like to explore how we can drive systemic change and support people to act as local catalysts. My work often explores cutting edge topics and their intersection in the education space. • I help organizations engage educators and youth in critical topics like futures literacy, green skills, regenerative economics, and civic engagement. • I work with schools and organizations to make bold new ideas tangible and spark pathways to action • I design experiences and learning opportunities that facilitate the implementation of new ideas. Bio: Michelle is an educational consultant that helps schools and organizations unlock opportunities to activate changemakers and drive meaningful change. After teaching social studies in both the U.S. and Switzerland, she founded the Educators’ Lab, which infuses startup strategies into professional learning so that teachers are empowered to bring changemaking, social innovation, and SDGs into their work. Michelle is the co-author of The Startup Teacher Playbook, and Preventing Polarization (2023). She has worked with organizations like Center for Curriculum Redesign, PBS Education, and Ashoka, and occasionally blogs for Edutopia. A graduate of IE University in Madrid, she is a part of the Global Shaper Community of the World Economic Forum and has presented at numerous events, including SXSWedu and TEDxLausanne. Her focus - helping teachers and students use their agency for social good.
Annette Flinterman
Hicham El Maaroufi Elidrissi
Tomorrow’s economies and organizations of all kind won’t be about creating profits for shareholders. It will definitely be about improving the state of the world and driving human value. As we’ve been living in the Anthropocene -the one of a human-influenced age, and maybe the greatest of all time- all the existing paradigms we've built our society and economic systems upon have now become obsolete. The 12.000 years since the last ice age during which all human civilization developed is now a thing of the past. Today, HUMANITY is facing its biggest and serious challenges ever. Finding new equations to advancing human potential(s) and solve the crisis of this deliquescent civilization is of paramount importance in our exponential and ubiquitous world. In fact it should be the concern of everyone. I'm starting with the man in the mirror! 2010 was a wake up call for me and I've decided to serve the greater good to enable change and power an ontologically conscious economy. I believe in our capacity to use technologies wisely, consciously and purposefully. We did it in the past but today it's the only way we for us to transition and shape the course of history. A change like never before to save us from that collective madness that may lead us to our own extinction. So I've created a global collective of radical thinkers aiming at creating positive shifts through conscious embodiment and enactivism. But more than a company what I've designed as an "Innovation Collective & Systemic Design Studio" is a symbiotic, dynamic, and unconventional ecosystem designed to shift people’s thinking. A place where singular ideas can flourish because everyone connects and inspires others to go beyond the limits of the current frame of perception.
Mayu Imanishi
Susanne Rodemann-Kalkan
Hannover, Niedersachsen, Deutschland
Being the founder of „futurlabor - Institute for systemic future design“ with a background in environmental sciences and as a systemic coach I support transformations towards a resilient, climate-positive society.
David Brühlmeier
Düdingen, Fribourg/Freiburg, Schweiz
I am a bridge builder. I connect people, organizations, systems and perspectives with each other. I contribute to the realization of ideas that create a world that our hearts already know is possible. I believe that doughnut economics is a smart and concrete compass for the change needed in the 21st century.
Jane Whild
Milton Keynes, England, United Kingdom
I am and ex University Administrator, now spending my time on activism in local communities in Milton Keynes to tackle the Climate Crisis, Misogyny and Gender Inequality. I am a core member of the MK Doughnut Economics Group which operates under the umbrella of Transition Town MK. Our group are part of a fledgling Milton Keynes Climate Action Network (MKCAN). I am a member of the Women's Equality Party (WEPUK) - the first political party to adopt Doughnut Economics as policy. I am also a member of FawcettMK, Citizens:mk and Cycling Citizens MK. I would like to see the Doughnut applied to my Borough and am a member of Milton Keynes DECA (Doughnut Economics Climate Action) Group.