A small but enthusiastic group is now working away in our small Shropshire town of Church Stretton, and its surrounding villages and hamlets, charting a route to a Doughnut future for our community. We launched the ideas at a meeting of a long-established climate group in the town (Stretton Climate Care) in November, and have now gathered a committed steering group to take the work forward.
Our initial task has been to sit down with the Doughnut dimensions and try to work out how they can help us create a more sustainable town. There is already a good bedrock of active groups on a lot of the elements, including climate and biodiversity, and we are keen not to duplicate their work, but there is lots to do in trying to build a framework to bring it all together with the social dimensions within the Doughnut.
We are keen to learn from others in the DEAL network, especially communities of a similar size or profile, as some of the larger scale implementations of the Doughnut don't really transfer that well to a town of just 4,000 people. So do get in touch if you have experience that you could share of using Doughnut principles in your place!
Get inspired, connect with others and become part of the movement. No matter how big or small your contribution is, you’re welcome to join!
Kay Renfrew
Gloucestershire, UK
Wanna be part of the solution. Make real change and inspire others.