Transforming places with DE - webinar 1
Hearing from community-led initiatives in Leeds, UK and Melbourne, Australia

In this webinar from 18th May 2022 we hear from two community-led initiatives aiming to transform their place with Doughnut Economics: Climate Action Leeds and Regen Melbourne.
We were so pleased we have these two fantastic initiatives share their stories together on this webinar as they demonstrate two different starting points for action: data-first and vision-first.
In April this year the team at Climate Action Leeds launched a Leeds Doughnut report taking a data-first approach to get a snapshot of the city to start conversation and the journey to a safe and thriving Leeds.
And in April last year, the team at Regen Melbourne launched Towards a Regenerative Melbourne report, taking a vision-first approach to create a shared vision for the city drawing upon the imagination and aspiration of the residents of Melbourne and start the journey towards a regenerative Melbourne.
We hope you enjoy listening to these two stories of community-led action. And join us for the next webinar where we'll be hearing the local government perspective on transforming places with Doughnut Economics with the cities of Nanaimo, Canada and Brussels, Belgium:
0:00 Introduction
02:09 Climate Action Leeds
31:23 Regen Melbourne
56:51 Closing remarks
Find out more and read their reports here:
Access the 'Doughnut Unrolled' tools to apply Doughnut Economics to your place here:
You can also watch the full launch of the Leeds Doughnut here:
Doughnut Unrolled: Community Portrait of Place
A selection of participatory workshop approaches you can use to explore the four lenses for your place
Doughnut Unrolled: Data Portrait of Place
A handbook of approaches for collecting targets and indicators across each of the four lenses for your place
Doughnut Unrolled: Dimensions of the four lenses
An overview of each of the dimensions of the four lenses on life
Doughnut Unrolled: Exploring a topic
A selection of approaches to explore a specific topic through the Four Lenses be it a policy, project or possibility
Doughnut Unrolled: Introducing the four lenses
An introduction to the four lenses and the set of tools you can use to help your place bring humanity into the Doughnut
Tomi Winfree
Mornington, Victoria
Christian Hansen
Berlin, Germany
Enthusiastic about đ” music, đ nature and đ change! Human being, activist with Donut Berlin and fellow at Politics for Tomorrow, creating a Doughnut-Dashboard for the city of Berlin. Musician by heart.Â
Sarah Koffmann
Llanarth, Bathurst, New South Wales, Australia
gĂŒnther fischer
Dietramszell, Bayern, Deutschland
less but better! Weniger Verbrauch, mehr QualitĂ€t, mehr Verantwortung. Wir mĂŒssen selbst beginnen und entschlossen die Bereitschaft zur VerĂ€nderung zeigen. Nachhaltigkeit kann weder konsumiert noch delegiert werden.
Helen Hill
Dili, East Timor
I am an Australian, retired from Victoria University (Melbourne) where I introduced a BA in International Community Development after working on the Commonwealth Youth Program's Fiji Centre on the Diploma Course in Youth and Development. I am currently working on municipal plans for Five municipalities in Timor-Leste with a Portuguese consultancy group GERTIL and trying to apply principles of the Doughnut economy.Â
stan curtis
Portland, Oregon, United States of America
leader of IBM SmartCIties research... incubating EcoDistricts in Metro/Portland with Cascadia partners. active with OPEN standards helping NIST incubate their Global Cities Team Challenge ...kit-by-kit, vendor-by-vendor...an OpenCommons?
Phillippa Banister
Shipley, England, United Kingdom
Founder of Street Space, a social enterprise working with people to reimagine their streets and spaces to make them feel safer, bring joy and social connection.Â