Translating the Doughnut into a Danish context
Webinar: Practitioners in law, economics and social sciences explore how to integrate Doughnut Economics in Denmark

00:00 - Introduction by Rasmus Steenberger, DjøfereForFuture.
04:00 - Doughnut Economics – Can we live in the Doughnut? by Kate Raworth, Economist. In this presentation, Kate introduces Doughnut Economics and asks how the City of Copenhagen, inspired by the Doughnut, can transform to be in service of a thriving future.
25:00 - Amsterdam Circular 2020-2025 by Eveline Jonkhoff, Strategic Advisor and manager of the Circular Economy program in the City of Amsterdam. In this presentation, Eveline shares the journey of Amsterdam towards a thriving, regenerative and inclusive city, which respects planetary boundaries.
38:00 - Question and Answer session. The Q&A session takes us through reflections on how Doughnut economics has made a difference for Amsterdam by changing the economic paradigm (38:20)
- what changes to policy instruments are needed (42:25)
- how to involve the perspective of the youth and the yet unborn generations through future design workshops (43:20)
- how to measure and monitor success (45:30)
- perspectives on how capitalism and expectations of endless economic growth relates to Doughnut Economics, in which Kate opens the ‘black box of Capitalism’ and inspires us to reflect on the ‘existential Economics question of the 21st Century’ (50:15)
- how to convince people to consume less and how could city banks be setup to better service local businesses and communities (55:00)
- how to facilitate bottom up citizen engagement and the inspiring example of the citizen led Amsterdam Doughnut Coalition (01:01:13)
- how to deal with opposition, how to build momentum for change with a broad stakeholder group and how to link this to recovering from the covid-19 pandemic (01:05:50)
- how to reach people in leadership positions, how to inspire leadership and motivate change (01:09:58)
- how to start a Doughnut Action Movement in Copenhagen, how to engage with other change makers and how to work with the framework in an education context (1:14:20)
- lessons learned from Amsterdam in experimenting with the Doughnut Framework (01:17:27)
- inspiring examples of Doughnut Economics change makers and action from around the globe (01:19:32)
- a reflection on bringing the ideas of circularity of waste streams to life in Amsterdam (01:13:18)
- ending with key advice for moving forward with Doughnut Economics in Copenhagen: “Just do it, learn from it and improve” (01:25:18)
01:28:45 - The End. wrap up and thanks.
Sebastian Schwolow
Torben Kulasingam
Working as civil engineer within sustainable building - and urban design, and passionate about spreading the good intentions with circular economic initiatives in my projects. I'm here to absorb from the abundant knowledge buffet, and get intrigued by the new economic thinking, which could be relevant in building- and urban development desing. Feel free to reach out, if you think I need to participate in wide-ranging talks on circular economy or you think I can help you in some kind of way with regards to circular economy. #liveability
Marten Susebeek
Copenhagen, Region Hovedstaden, Denmark
Curious, marathoner, dad. Owner at Engea. Started via a practical study route via MBO & HBO (BSc.) Mechanical engineering towards a MSc. Business Administration. From there I've been CEO at Susteq for 8 year to work on water projects in Africa. Reaching 150.000 people with safe & affordable water. In Denmark, I worked as business developer at EcoTree to take action against climate change via sustainable forestry in Europe.