Watch globally, act locally: Global Donut Day 2024

How our community gathering in Prague went.

Our local community came together for "Watch Globally, Act Locally" as part of Global Donut Day 2024, creating a cozy space where we could dive into Doughnut Economics and what it means for us here at home. We set up a simple but effective format - watching key talks from the global online conference and then opening up the floor for honest conversations about what we'd seen.

The day really came alive during the keynote on "five years of turning ideas into action" and especially during the Local Governments session. These sparked some heartfelt discussions about where we stand in the Czech Republic compared to other places. Everyone in the room shared a genuine curiosity about how other communities are making Doughnut Economics work in their day-to-day governance.

Throughout the day, we explored various angles through sessions like "Sectors Meet the Doughnut" and "Doughnut Economics for Business and Investors." While we were a small group, this actually worked in our favor - everyone felt comfortable sharing their thoughts and concerns openly. The day showed us that while the Doughnut Economics movement is gaining momentum worldwide, there's real potential for us to grow its impact right here at home, starting with our community conversations like this one.




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