Doughnut Diagrams in 25+ languages

PDF and JPEG formats for printing and use in presentations

Version 1.0 (November 2020) 


Since 2017, the book Doughnut Economics: seven ways to think like a 21st century economist has been translated into 15 languages, so we are making high-quality colour graphics of the Doughnut available now in all those languages, in both PDF and JPEG formats, so they can be printed and used in presentations. The DEAL Community has also provided translations in additional languages.

Please see DEAL's guidelines and licensing rules for details on use and attribution.


Follow the links below to see all the translations of the Doughnut diagrams in the 15 languages that have already been published, re-created in high quality colour graphics and ready to use in presentations, documents, websites, and more.

Brazilian Portuguese
Traditional Chinese

Community translations


Simplified Chinese

All the diagrams in this tool have all been created using the online vector graphics design application, Corel Vector, and these design templates: the Doughnut, the Overshoot Doughnut and the Embedded Economy diagram.

If the diagrams have not already been translated into a language that you speak, you can use these templates to create your own using the instructions provided below. If you are interested in translating additional content please see our FAQ for more details.

Using the Corel Vector templates

Corel Vector is an online vector graphics design application. To edit the provided templates, we recommend that you are already familiar with the basic functionality of vector graphics applications, including the concepts of graphics layers, etc.

When using the templates (the Doughnut, the Overshoot Doughnut and the Embedded Economy diagram), please follow these steps:

  1. In order to use the templates you will first need to create a (free) account
  2. Before starting, save a copy of the template to the cloud via 'File > Save to Cloud as...'
  3. If you are translating into a language that contains characters which the default font does not support (e.g. Chinese characters), you will need to change the font of all text fields to use one of the 'Noto Sans' font variants (e.g. 'Noto Sans CJK TC' for Traditional Chinese)
  4. When editing curved text, please note that each one is attached to its own circle (which has the same name in the layers panel), however there is a bug in the software which means that the text sometimes appears in the wrong place. To rectify this, simply select the relevant circle and rotate it backwards and forwards until the text reappears in the correct place.
  5. To share your translation with DEAL (so we can add it to this tool), please select 'File > Share file', choose the 'Developer' share option, copy the link (it should something like and send it to us via the DEAL Contact Form. Thank you!





    Egil Petter Stræte

    Oslo, Norway

    I hope to be inspired how to assess various dimensions of sustainability in a holistic perspective. To learn new methods.

    Melissa O'Mara

    I am focused on deep/radical transformative change with business as a focus. I'm working with arkH3, and with AEC/Buildings bus.

    Ariane PHELIZOT

    Paris, France

    What is more relevant than Deal concepts, tools and community to transform business models ?

    Kyungmin Lee

    Suji-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea

    I'm here to learn from global examples of Doughnut Economics and explore ways to apply these ideas in Yongin, Korea

    Franziska Dilger

    Bonn, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

    Ich habe "Die Donut-Ökonomie" gelesen:) // Read doughnut economics :)

    Natalia Kucypera about 2 years ago

    I've noticed you don't have Polish translations. I'm happy to do it for community. Especially, that I work for MasterPeace Club in Poland and we are working on projects teaching concepts of Doughnut Economics to youth.

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    Marina Demchenko over 3 years ago

    Hello, dear friends!
    My name is Marina Demchenko, I am a member of the DEAL community. I am Russian and I work in the largest Russian speaking community for the integral development of the cities "The Living Cities".
    I am also co-founder of the Global Happy City Lab, an international research laboratory developing approaches for systemic social change and regenerative economic development around the world.
    The Doughnut Economics approach appeals to me so much that I even sent you my application for the position of Cities & Regions Lead, but I didn't pass.
    I would like to offer you my ability to translate DEAL documents and presentations into Russian and use my resources and connections to spread the concepts of Doughnut Economy to post-Soviet, Russian-speaking countries.
    If you are interested in such a collaboration, please, contact me any time at your convenience! E-mail:

    0 1
    Rob Shorter over 3 years ago

    Dear Marina, thanks so much for your offer to help translate DEAL documents and presentations into Russian. Thanks also for your application for the Cities role, and I'm sorry it didn't work on this occasion. In terms of translations, getting the website itself as well as tools and stories translated is a priority for us, but right now the platform doesn’t quite support multiple languages. We’re in the process of figuring out the technical and process side of things now, and you can add any thoughts or ideas you might have about this on the Platform Development Hub Beyond that, I’ve made a note of your kind offer, and we'll get in touch again once we’ve had a chance to get all the required functionality in place.

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