Doughnut Selfie Template

A fun way to show the members of your group on website, presentations and other publicity

Make a Doughnut Selfie - create your own personal doughnut to pose with for pictures. A fun idea for photos of the members of your local Doughnut Economics group for your website, or presentations, or publicity materials. 

Template available as Open Office Document, MS Word, or PDF.

Top tips:
  • You do not have to use the template for the photos, you can pose with an actual doughnut (with a hole in the middle) or any other prop that is doughnutty. Like a bagel. Yeah bagels work. 
  • Hold your doughnut closer to the camera lens to make it look GIANT.

Here’s video instructions to make a doughnut.

Psst - If you do use this idea, it would really please me to know how, and see your lovely faces too. Drop a line to 




    about 3 years ago

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    about 3 years ago

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