Introducing Regenerative and Distributive Design
Version 1.0 (February 2022)
Getting into the Doughnut calls for economies that are both regenerative and distributive by design. In this tool Kate Raworth introduces the core concepts behind the transformations that are needed to bring about these two design dynamics:
- from economies that are degenerative to ones that are regenerative by design
- from economies that are deeply divisive to ones that are distributive by design.
Regenerative and distributive design form two of the seven ways to think like a 21st century economist that you can read about in full
here in the introduction to Doughnut Economics, and
here in a series of 90-second animations.
Who is it for?
These videos are for anyone looking to quickly understand these design dynamics at the heart of Doughnut Economics. They can also be used in lessons, in workshops and in other settings where you want to introduce these ideas to your audience in a quick, easy and engaging way.
Introducing Regenerative and Distributive Design
This 2-minute video introduces the essential dynamics of both regenerative and distributive design.
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Introducing Regenerative Design
This 3-minute video goes further into introducing regenerative design, presenting the two nutrient loops - biological and technical - and asks how can we mimic nature's genius and design in order to live with and within the cycles of the living world?
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Introducing Distributive Design
This 3-minute video goes further into introducing distributive design by asking who owns the sources of wealth creation - such as land, housing, and business - and how can we design economies where value and opportunity is shared far more equitably with all those who co-create it, meaning everyone in society?
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These videos were made by the DEAL Team, and with thanks to Siri Krznaric.
Paris, France
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