Lokal-soziale Linse
Die Dimensionen der lokal-sozialen Linse des City Portraits

Original auf Englisch: "The dimensions of the City Portrait’s Local–Social lens" in Creating City Potraits Methodology, S. 12.
günther fischer
Dietramszell, Bayern, Deutschland
less but better! Weniger Verbrauch, mehr Qualität, mehr Verantwortung. Wir müssen selbst beginnen und entschlossen die Bereitschaft zur Veränderung zeigen. Nachhaltigkeit kann weder konsumiert noch delegiert werden.
Satoshi Murayama
Diana Sanabria
Hamburg, Deutschland
I'm a lawyer working as Policy Officer for Global Economy, with an emphasis on business and human rights. I'm also co-founder and member of the Doughnut Coalition Hamburg.
Luciana Maia
Erfurt, Thüringen, Deutschland
Environmentalist & urbanist by passion, consultant, trainer/facilitator & researcher by profession and engineer by formation, Luciana is a dreamer, world citizen and life-long learner. Working with development / international cooperation for the past 14 year, her main interests are in support the implementation of global agendas localy and help urban stakeholders to develop integrated sustainable solutions