Quiet-Everyday Leadership
Activate place-based Doughnut Economics' principles at multiple levels simultaneously with Quiet-Everyday Leadership.

June 2022 update here: https://www.thecoast.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/WoW-3.0-Model-Card-QEL-1.pdf
October 2022 update here: https://www.thecoast.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/The-Seed-simple.pdf
Quiet-Everyday Leadership’s first three steps
starts with the smallest of daily things
Our Thoughts Our Actions Our Language
about and for wellbeing and vitality for all.
Quiet-Everyday Leadership is an evidence-informed, community-led movement and model for regenerating, transforming and then sustaining sources of personal, societal and ecological wellbeing and vitality.
Over time we generate beneficial ripple effects for lasting change. Ripple effects that reach far & wide to benefit Me & We, Place & Planet.
March 2022 earlier iteration
Regen Spirit is a method to activate Doughnut Economics' principles across multiple-levels (personal, neighbourhood, community, city and state) simultaneously, creating lasting change, creating positive ripple effects that spread far and wide. Regen Spirit adopts a Quiet-Everyday Leadership* approach, that starts with the first three step of regenerative leadership – The smallest of daily things: Our Thoughts, Our Actions, Our Language to improve, regenerate and then sustain sources of wellbeing and vitality for all. Wellbeing and vitality of self, others and nature, wellbeing and vitality of Me & We, Place & Planet, wellbeing and vitality accessible to everyone, everywhere.
Regen Spirit’s Quiet-Everyday Leadership is underpinned by three foundational theories and three developmental aims to guide the first three steps and advance Collective Action from Shared Awareness (CASA – Otto Scharmer).
Foundational theories and developmental aims
Benefit Mindset is concerned with the life-long process of learning how we can be the transformation and realise our unique potential in a way that serves the wellbeing of all. Benefit Mindset (Buchanan & Kern, 2017)
Beneficial Action which is about prosocially and altruistically motivated behaviour that uses consequential (scientific) knowledge to increase freedom within the global population. Beneficial Action (Toumbourou, 2016)
Beneficial Literacy is the capability to comprehend and compose beneficial language, across contexts, with the intentionality (desire, belief, intention, skill and awareness) of using such language for the mutual benefit of self, others and nature. (Wright 2021, adapted from Wellbeing Literacy (Oades et al, 2021)
Awaken Caring about and for self, others and nature
Focused Attention into safe, just and regenerative collective action
Open Awareness to our highest future possibility
Combining the first three steps with the theories and aims creates new regenerative ways of Being, Doing, and Knowing, their combined effect is greater than the simple sum of their parts and generates a system-wide positive ripple effect.
Time (Being + Doing + Knowing) ( about + for + wellbeing + vitality + for all) = system-wide positive impact.
*Quiet-Everyday Leadership is a combined adaption of: Benefit Mindset's Everyday Leadership - to promote wellbeing on both an individual and a collective level; Julian Stodd’s research and book that explores the first three steps of leadership, Quiet Leadership - leadership in the smallest of things: our mindset, our words and our actions, in every single day; and Beneficial-Actualisation that explores improving, regenerating and then sustaining the source of personal, societal and ecological wellbeing and vitality.
Alice Peperell
Bristol, England, United Kingdom
Helping people & planet-focused teams and projects to thrive. 10+ years of cross-sector production and operations experience spanning sustainability, social change, arts and culture marketing and live events. Particularly interested in harnessing the power of community, collaboration & collective action to drive sustainability, social justice and co-design regenerative spaces and places.
Bryan Garcia
Los Angeles, California, United States of America
Tom Owen-Smith
Lambeth, London Borough of Lambeth, England, United Kingdom
Doughnut Economics is an inspirational text, and I am keen to be part of building it out to change our economy and society. I am the Sustainability lead at SUMS Consulting – we are a not-for-profit membership organisation providing consultancy services to the university sector, mostly in the UK. One aim is to make universities run sustainably and in harmony with their place. Universities are also at the centre of knowledge production and can make big contributions to the paradigm shift through their research, education and ability to bring people together. I hope to learn from this community and share ideas for change – both for my work and for living my own life.
günther fischer
Dietramszell, Bayern, Deutschland
less but better! Weniger Verbrauch, mehr Qualität, mehr Verantwortung. Wir müssen selbst beginnen und entschlossen die Bereitschaft zur Veränderung zeigen. Nachhaltigkeit kann weder konsumiert noch delegiert werden.
Silvia Quenta
La Paz, Bolivia
Assistant professor in Environmental Engineering and Sustainable Development of the Industrial Engineering Career.
David Yates
Auckland, New Zealand
Keen to be part of the solution (not the problem!!). I recently became involved with Global Carbon Reward, an initiative led by Dr Delton Chen whose paper is referred to in the brilliant 'novel' Ministry for the Future by Kim Stanley Robinson.
Aman Walia
Human on Earth. Economics, Energy & Climate expert.
Nathalie ROY
Barcelona, Spain
Citizen - French by passport, global by mindset - dedicated to sustainability and societal responsibility. The core of my work is to TRAIN, CONNECT and EMPOWER individuals and organisations so that they are able to transform themselves and build projects that positively change our world. My vision is a balanced, pluriversal, responsible and sustainable society. I am passionate about the multiple dimensions of sustainability and societal impact. My experience spans across: 📗 Environmental sciences and climate change 📕 Life cycle assessment, ecodesign, circular economy 📒Territorial sustainable development projects and policies 📘 Societal responsibility of organisations 📙 Social innovation, social entrepreneurship, social business 📓 Change management, behaviour change, transformation and leadership Very keen on connecting with other changemakers!