Reflexión Trabajar para Vivir Bien
Es importante reflexionar en la importancia de nuestro Bienestar en todas las diferentes dimensiones

Villaviciosa, Asturias / Asturies, España
I am a retired airline pilot with a high level picture of the planet and their living creatures.
Mauro Félix
San Cristóbal, Antioquia, Colombia
Poet, Engineer, Teacher, Consultant, Speaker, Tantrik 🤍 Follow the Well+Being Calendar @YoCreoBienestar to Inspire New Ways of Interaction with Ourselves, our Amazing Mother Earth and Others!
Ana Arribas Sebastián
Segovia, Castilla y León, Spain
I'm a Social Worker and a Master's graduate in Development and International Relations, with a specialization in Global Gender Studies. I grew up in a small town surrounded by mountains and that was (and still is) what made me aware of how important is respecting the planet that hosts us while guaranteeing the fundamental rights of all human beings. I'm still learning how to achieve both goals and I hope to learn and share experiences here that lead us toward it. Nowadays, I am working on the relationship between climate change and gender equality and actively committed to find alternatives to the current system in order to achieve sustainable development.