Cornwall responding to the Climate Emergency
How the Doughnut Economics model has been used in Cornwall to respond to the complexity of the climate emergency.
Posted by Cornwall Doughnut Collective
Cornwall Doughnut Economics Playbook
A simple online hyperlinked tool for community groups learning to think Doughnut - easy to create your own version!
Posted by Cornwall Doughnut Collective
The Cornwall Doughnut Hack
A day to figure out which direction we're facing in our current context of climate, economic and social crises
Posted by Cornwall Doughnut Collective & Manda Brookman
Activities & Services
Cornwall responding to the Climate Emergency
How the Doughnut Economics model has been used in Cornwall to respond to the complexity of the climate emergency.
Posted by Cornwall Doughnut Collective
The Cornwall Doughnut Hack
A day to figure out which direction we're facing in our current context of climate, economic and social crises
Posted by Cornwall Doughnut Collective & Manda Brookman
Asia Grzybowska
I am a mum of three, an architect, founder of Mycelium Studio and chairman of Helston Place Shaping Strategy Board. I am passionate about diversity and equality. I run Empathy Tours - workshops for anybody, particularly good for students, architects, designers and any interested soul that help to practice empathy and understand design requirements first hand. I am passionate about place shaping. I think we all have an opportunity to make a difference and I believe in the power of community. I want to explore how to be more doughnut.
Tansy Drake
Elle Sambrook
Positive disruption.
Martha Patrick
St. Ives, Cornwall, England, United Kingdom
I am a member of our local Community Land Trust which is part of the National Community Land trust Network. Land Trusts are community controlled and community owned not for profit organisations. We aim for long term stewardship of affordable housing or other community assets. In St Ives there is a lack of affordable housing for local people. The Community came together to raise the money to buy a large old property. We have been able to begin the renovation of the building to create six affordable flats to rent for local people with the support of a mortgage from Triodos Bank and funding partners including the Architectural Heritage Fund, the Ministry of Housing Communities and Local Government. The renovation involves the conversion to renewable energy sources. The Trust has also raised the money to buy another building, a former Chapel, this project will be for the development of affordable workshop spaces.
Tansy Drake
David Carruthers
Schumacher College, Totnes, UK
I'm currently studying a master's in regenerative economics at Schumacher College, near Totnes in the UK. I've returned to the UK from 22 years in Australia to do this. I've enjoyed a 15-year senior corporate career (mainly the UK then headhunted to be a subsidiary CEO of ASX100) and a 12-year entrepreneurial journey in Melbourne that brought me much 'success' in the way many measure success. I also became very involved in my local community, leading the chamber of commerce for 4 years, establishing a new tourism association and sitting on the board of my local 'eco-centre'. In 2009 I converted an existing business I owned into pretty much the first 'paddock to plate' cafe/restaurant in Australia (named Slow Down) before 'paddock to plate' existed as a term there. We bought directly from local farmers, producers, brewers, wineries, and distillers and literally had farmers walking in through the front door when we were open and talking to customers about what they were delivering. Provenance became key and telling the story of the food on the plate became our 'thing'. In representing my business community I also led a local campaign to stop the development of public land by the beach into a shopping centre by stealth. We mustered 9,000 locals and it prevented the development from taking place. One parliamentary investigation later and another investigation into the local council, leading to the entire senior team 'leaving' and 2 councillors being named for misconduct, would later (when the 9,000 were no longer there) lead to me living through a mini-series of the Sopranos which cost me several million dollars and almost my life. I've seen how corporates work, I've been an entrepreneur creating businesses (I believe in a good way) and I've seen how ruthless and corrupt the system can be when big bucks are involved. These days I mentor business leaders, mainly in the hospitality & tourism industries and I'm building a tribe of leaders under the banner of "Future of Hospitality" writing articles, creating other content including videos and about to launch a podcast. I'm learning about new ways of running economies so (at the tender age of 58) I can attempt to bring together my experience, skills, knowledge and passion, to contribute in whatever way I can to the change that's needed.
Carolyn Healy
Telford, UK
Cabinet member for Climate Change, Natural and Historic Environment and Cultural Services at Telford and Wrekin Council.
Peter Lefort
Cornwall, UK
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