Cornwall Doughnut Economics Playbook

A simple online hyperlinked tool for community groups learning to think Doughnut - easy to create your own version!

Version 1.0 ([September 2020])



Simple explanatory tool to explain key concepts within a community/local workshop/lesson


Why use it?

help get a grip on what the doughnut is
use to assess existing projects and ideas
use to assess a collection of projects and ideas


Who is it for?

Community facilitators, business owners, teachers, local councillors, council officers


How long does it take?

You can read it in 10 mins, or use it for a day long workshop

How many people is it for?

 Can be used by two or as many as you want


What materials do you need?

Paper, pens, people and imagination - and you can do this online in an interactive platform, like zoom

What does the facilitator need to know or be able to do?

How to work with people to break a project into component interconnected parts



Thanks to Cornwall Council who helped funded the design, and Leap Design Studio for their design fabulousness





    Manda Brookman over 4 years ago

    Thanks so much for these comments, y'all - I have just found them, so forgive the delay!

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    Miguel Fernandez over 4 years ago

    Wonderful Manda, I'm surprised we haven't met before as a fellow citizen of Cornwall? (this is well you tell me we have, and I get all embarrassed!).

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    Manda Brookman over 4 years ago

    Hi Miguel, I don't think we have met but we exchanged emails in the last month or so when you sent round a co-housing message across LiveWire! :) Great to be in contact again. :)

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    Mel Bradley over 4 years ago

    So useful Manda - as always ahead of the game, thank you.

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    Manda Brookman over 4 years ago

    Thanks, Mel - let me know if you use it and have ideas for making it better! :)

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    Joey Blindt over 4 years ago

    This is brilliant, I'm about to head of round my village to organise a workshop! Thank you

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    Manda Brookman over 4 years ago

    Hi Joey, would LOVE to know how that goes and where it took your discussion! :)

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    Rieta Aliredjo over 4 years ago

    Thanks for sharing this! Looks really good, will have a better look at it.

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    Manda Brookman over 4 years ago

    Hi Rieta, let me know if you use and customise it - it's just a simple template, so make it your own! :)

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