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People, People, Planet!
An activity to introduce the Doughnut in a playful way with no props, just people
Holding Hands Doughnut
An activity for school age children to introduce the Doughnut in a playful way with no props, just people
Set the Stage
Act out the key roles of the economy, explore their relationships and play with the script in this interactive activity
Take a Stand
An activity to explore the diversity of views about whether humanity can get into the Doughnut by 2050
Joining the Doughnut Dots
An activity for getting to know the dimensions of the Doughnut and their interconnections
Doughnut Dreams and the Dream Spiral
An activity to imagine your vision of a future when we are all living in the Doughnut
Step Into The Doughnut v2.0 (now in 30 languages)
An accessible and engaging way to introduce the Doughnut to any group
Ring Rescue
A fast and fun Doughnut-shaped game that explores systems and collaboration
Doughnut Economics Journey of Knowledge Map
Icebreaker to enable meeting attendees to share in a group activity. It creates an atmosphere of active participation.
Doughnut Spinner
Create a Doughnut where both inner and outer parts spin and explore the random combinations that arise
Guide to mutual credit
Enhance local, circular, sustainable trade with mutual credit & resource mapping
Sparking Connections
A set of 37 cards to explore the connections between the dimensions of the Doughnut and the Four Lenses
Past Event
(Past) Content dayz
2023-03-17T15:00:00Z (Past)
Llama Llama Lloyd, Väderkvarnsgatan 16a, Göteborg, Västra Götaland 417 04, Sweden
Community Case Study Lesson Plan
This tool includes an activity and student project about applying the doughnut model at the community level
Erich Nussbaumer
New York, United States of America
In my previous life, I was a development economist and fintech entrepreneur. Today, I am wholeheartedly engaged in supporting our transition to a just and sustainable society. I work as a leadership coach and facilitator for start-ups, NGOs and other organizations grounding my work in the belief that with a curious approach, every person can discover a path to fulfillment, even in the midst of difficult challenges. And people seeking fulfillment will get us closer to the society we envision. I am part of this community because I'd like to learn from you about tools and methodologies to facilitate workshops focused on transitioning to the doughnut, as much for businesses as for communities. And I would like to offer my time and skills in facilitating workshops. Website coming soon
Heide Maria Baden
I saw Kate give a talk last year in Copenhagen & I love everything about the doughnut and about regenerative economics in general. I am in Denmark and saw there's a few people on my island in this community. Maybe we can meet up one day? Get in touch!
phil spencer
City of London, England, United Kingdom
Co founder of Climate Labs, a sustainability consultancy routed in community action, innovation, and methods to break the current ways, needed for our collective transition towards regenerative and sustained futures.
Sandra Matecki
Luxembourg, Belval
I work with complex systems, wicked challenges and uncertainties. This is mostly connected to regional development, where I identify connections between industries, sectors, organisations and people. I do all this to understand how things work in our societies and explore ways to initiate exchange and collaboration between diverse actors. I helped out in different sustainable development projects around Europe (Sweden, France, Switzerland and Luxembourg). My current mission: Contributing to sustainable development in Luxembourg - and thus also globally. Hit me up! Partnerships and Collaboration are key for the transition we need. Let´s start now! Send me a request or contact me on LinkedIn. I am happy to hear from you!
Clare Goff
I'm a writer, editor and project manager specialising in 'good' local economics, local government and communities.
Barbara Griffin
Middlesbrough, North Yorkshire United Kingdom
Currently, working on a weaving project using co-mentoring as a method of maintaining momentum. In addition to a creative background my higher education employment and PhD was in health promotion and social care. Since reading Kate Raworth's book and attending the online Foundation course on Doughnut Economics Ubiquity University Archived course I am interested in Doughnut Economics particularly;
Julia Meuser
Crisis is the crack through which the light gets in. Change is here and it is a chance to take the leap from yesterday's economy to regenerative ways of working and living. After 20+ years in law and international law firms I continue my work with individuals and organisations to to inspire fresh thinking, create regenerative solutions and resilience in organisations, teams and for individuals. Who I am: Co-Founder of, an academy for sustainable and regenerative business practices. We design learning programs that speak to head, hand and heart and bring the entire organisation together in profound transformation. I am also a consultant, trainer, coach and certified yoga and mediation teacher, and lawyer. What I do: Open new perspectives, ask questions that inspire reflection and learning and help navigate uncertain times and unknown territory, help question outdated narratives and take the eagle view that looks beyond business as usual to create a regenerative future. Where I am at home: Among trees and in the margins, between stories, times, and beliefs, next to the crack through which the light gets in. ALWAYS ACT SO AS TO INCREASE THE NUMBER OF OPTIONS. (H. von Förster)
Nadine Burggraf
Freiburg im Breisgau
I am a student of economics and would like to become a teacher for secondary school students. During my studies I came across the problem of growth and I want to learn more about circular economy systems. I believe that there is an alternative to capitalism and that our economic system needs to change to a healthy system where we neither exceed the limits of our planet nor fall into a lack of basic needs. The Doughnut is a good and easy to understand model that I would like to convey as a serious alternative to the traditional economic model of the 20th century.
Becky Parker
Canterbury, UK
I am a physics teacher and passionate about giving school students agency and support to contribute to science research, to innovation for the planet in biodiversity and climate change and amplifying their voices for their well being and that of their planet
Nadia NV
Quietly revolting for a thriving world. Keen to learn more and make connections.