Co-creating methods to adapt the Doughnut Portrait
Sharing progress on adapting the 'Doughnut Portrait' with changemakers from Australia, Barbados, Canada, and India

We wanted to connect with as many members of the global DEAL Community as were willing and able to join, so the two webinars were held at different times to be more friendly for time zones in the Americas (July 28) or Asia & Oceania (July 29). It was a pleasure to connect with more than 100 people from around the world.

Over the course of the two webinars, we were delighted to share the virtual stage with Zeenat Niazi and Mohak Gupta from Development Alternatives (India), Willow Berzin from the Coalition of Everyone (Australia), Peggy Antrobus and Sharon Almerigi from Regenerate Barbados, and Yannick Beaudoin from the David Suzuki Foundation (Canada).
Zeenat, Mohak, Peggy, and Sharon are all part of a larger co-creative team working with DEAL to explore ways to adapt the Portrait methodology so that it is relevant and useful to global South priorities and interests. Willow is a core member of the Regen Melbourne network, which is using the Doughnut to envision a regenerative Melbourne through the lenses of the Portrait. Yannick is currently co-leading a series of workshops with DEAL and Toronto city staff and officials using the Portrait as a tool to envision holistic actions.
Since some of the content that we at DEAL presented was repeated in both sessions, we have created a single 2-hour video that combines both webinars into a single repository to avoid duplication, and to store all the insightful contributions from our friends and allies in a single place. Watch the 2 hour and 15 minute video below, or jump to specific sections:
0:00 Welcome and Introduction
6:30 The Doughnut and unrolling it to create a 4-lens Portrait for places
12:42 Zooming in on the four lenses and ways to use the Portrait
26:16 DEAL update on adapting the Portrait methodology
39:48 Zeenat Niazi and Mohak Gupta from Development Alternatives, India
1:02:33 Willow Berzin from Coalition of Everyone/Regen Melbourne, Australia
1:20:20 Peggy Antrobus and Sharon Almerigi from Regenerate Barbados
1:46:50 Yannick Beaudoin from David Suzuki Foundation, Toronto, Canada
2:03:51 Launching a DEAL Community consultation and closing remarks
Each session began by welcoming and acknowledging the different lands, languages, and contexts that participants were bringing, followed by an introduction and update from the DEAL Team's Andrew Fanning and Kate Raworth on how the design and methodological guidance of the Doughnut Portrait has been evolving over the past year.
Then, it was a privilege to hear Zeenat, Mohak, Willow, Peggy, Sharon, and Yannick share some reflections and challenges from the process of applying the Portrait methodology in their contexts. It was very energising to hear how they are all engaging with this tool in different ways, and deeply inspiring to see their interactions with one another and with the rest of the participants in each session.
Next, we invited participants to form smaller groups during a brief breakout session, using Google Slides as an online collaborative tool to record inputs. We asked everyone to share any specific questions about the Portrait methodology that we could address in the next version of DEAL's handbook for practitioners, and we also invited specific examples of indicators, data sources, and methods that we could highlight. We are grateful to have received more than 100 questions and examples in total.
Finally, we recognised that a brief breakout session is not nearly enough, and we launched a 6-week consultation period for any member of the DEAL Community to contribute to a working draft of the handbook, using Google Docs. This consultation period is now closed, and we are humbled to have received hundreds of contributions from more than 35 community reviewers.
We are aiming to incorporate the many contributions and learnings that we have received about the Portrait methodology over the past year into a Version 2.0 of the Handbook to be published in Autumn 2021.
Thomas (Tom) Stanton
Lansing, Michigan, USA
Tom Stanton officially retired at the end of June 2022, when the National Regulatory Research Institute (NRRI) closed permanently. Tom had been Principal Researcher, Energy and Environment, at NRRI since fall 2010. NRRI, until its closure provided regulatory policy research and educational services for agencies responsible for public utility regulation in the 50 states and U.S. territories. Mr. Stanton specialized in policy research for distributed energy resources, energy efficiency, renewable energy, grid modernization, and climate change. A life-long resident of Michigan, Tom previously worked for Michigan state government for over 32 years, including 10 years at the State Energy Office followed by over 22 years as a member of the Michigan Public Service Commission Staff. Mr. Stanton has been an instructor in both in-person and internet-based NRRI training events and related workshops or conferences in over a dozen states and multiple countries. Mr. Stanton earned a B.A. in Communications and M.A. in Journalism, both from Michigan State University, and an M.S. in Public Administration from Western Michigan University.
Christian Hansen
Berlin, Germany
Enthusiastic about 🎵 music, 🌞 nature and 🍃 change! Human being, activist with Donut Berlin and fellow at Politics for Tomorrow, creating a Doughnut-Dashboard for the city of Berlin. Musician by heart.
Kate Copeland-Rhodes
Uttoxeter, England, United Kingdom
Director of The Globe Group CIC and founder of The Globe Foundation, I am involved in developing place-based net zero programmes including the development of Staffordshire & Stoke Climate Commission and the Staffordshire & Stoke-On-Trent COP.
Marlene Fortes
Sarah Knight
Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom
Senior Climate Advisor with Mercy Corps and Board of Trustee for 2050 Climate Group.
Ezequiel Aguirre
Buenos Aires, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina
I am a Husband, Father and Economist. I am working on proyects of Early chilhood (Form Pregnancy to 4/6 years old) , Aging (older persons), Entretainment, An Education for Young People, all mixed with Digital Transformation. I really love the Doughnut Economy concepts. I have a company that also help 20 Century Business to transform to a 21st mindset and business model!!
Tracey Gilmore
Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa
Suzanne Schwartz