Helston Doughnut Workshop
Helston Climate Action Group used Doughnut thinking to assess all their climate action...

Stephen Horscroft
Michaela Hausdorf
Trier, Rheinland-Pfalz, Deutschland
Peter Lefort
Truro, England, United Kingdom
Katharine Lewis
Helston, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Mother, teacher, activist, passionate about environmental and social justice. Experience of working in early years education, and in community development in the UK and overseas. Very active in my local climate action group where we used the doughnut as the basis for our climate action plan. Excited to see the Cornwall Doughnut Collective establish! Keen to connect with others in Cornwall (and further afield!) working on this.
Mark Dooris
Preston, England, United Kingdom [work] Manchester, England, United Kingdom [home]
I'm passionate about changing the world in ways that secure the wellbeing of people, places and the planet. In work, I am Professor in Health & Sustainability at the University of Central Lancashire, with a background in public health, environmental policy and community development.
Jean Lepage
Lac-Simon, Quebec, Canada
Having worked in business for more than 35 years, I am a member of the international think tank of the Society For Effectual Action (SEA), which is interested in the art of entrepreneurship. I am the author of several books including "Innovate to prosper", "Startup: the art of inspiring them", "Entrepreneurship and success: 10 success stories of great builders" and "The big click: the power of entrepreneurial creativity ". I have written more than 200 articles on local development, support and entrepreneurship. I managed ID Gatineau, an economic development organization that contributes to the attraction, consolidation and growth of Gatineau businesses as well as the development of the innovation ecosystem. Finally, I have implemented several best practices in terms of economic development and support for entrepreneurship.
Carlo Giardinetti
Blonay, Vaud, Switzerland
Carlo Giardinetti is an expert practitioner of self-organization principles and a certified Leadership coach. After a career as a professional soccer player in Italy, Carlo moved into a fast-advancing career in the hospitality industry managing hotels and resorts in Italy, Tanzania, Kenya, Maldives, Egypt, and Ukraine. Now "living his third professional life," he works in the education management space as Dean of Executive Education and Global Outreach at the Franklin University Switzerland. He is also an Instructor at Harvard Division of Continuing Education teaching the course “Collaborative Leadership: Building the Organization of the Future. Carlo, as of September 2020, also works as Senior Advisor for Deloitte Human Capital Consulting. Carlo collaborates with global networks such as the Economy of Francesco, UNPRME and #goodaftercovid19 to pursue his dream to become the best FOR the world.