A Quick Introduction to the Doughnut
Introducing the Doughnut and its application in Amsterdam

Version 1.0 (June 2020)
This 6 minute video introduces the Doughnut and its application in Amsterdam.
For a full introduction to the Doughnut and Doughnut Economics, visit About Doughnut Economics. For more information on what's happening in Amsterdam and Costa Rica, visit the stories about the Amsterdam City Portrait, How we built the Amsterdam Doughnut Coalition and Regenerate Costa Rica.
Created by the BBC
Video by Fernando Teixeira & Izabela Cardoso
Executive Producer: Camelia Sadeghzadeh
We have all began to realise how important the DEAL lenses are to our own suffocation caused by climate change.
The Isle of Wight Doughnut
Introducing the Isle of Wight's Doughnut portrait at the Biosphere Festival
Youngsters downscaling the Doughnut in the Hague
Using arts and the doughnut economy model youngsters become agents of change.
Local group exploring Doughnut Economics
For World Donut Day 2023, we asked how we might apply it to ourselves and our local region.
Downscaling to agile product development
An story of how a coalition can explore ways to evolve their daily work
Community invited to help shape Worthing
Businesses, Community Groups, and local organisations invited to join the council to understand Doughnut Economics model
From 'normal' to 'natural': downscaling to village
An story of how a tiny village can explore ways to evolve their initiatives
A regenerative cycling world tour!
Can business save the planet? One man is cycling around the world for three years to find out...
Shay Barmand
Noosa, QLD
Studied planetary boundaries and doughnut economics in South Africa, and looking to apply the conceptual framework locally.
Gayle Dallaston
Brisbane, Australia
Founder of The Shady Lanes Project and member of Regen Brisbane When I started my verge garden, my reason was simple. I was fed up with mowing it. Back then, I had no idea where it would lead me. Now I think verge gardens could be the key to saving us from the worst of climate change and biodiversity loss. Big claim for unimportant little bits of land, you might say. Come on the journey and see if you change your mind. The Shady Lanes Project is about a lot more than us all planting out our little patches. It’s about bringing diverse people together to learn how to collaborate by doing. It’s about changing the way we see nature. It’s about eco-systems thinking. Most of all, it’s about learning by doing the doable - and making what’s doable grow. [ShadyLanes_verge_eastward.jpg] [ ] Find out more: Website - Substack and newsletter
Chris Holland
Auckland NZ
I'm a teacher and researcher, recently retired to focus more on climate change education initiatives. I found the DEAL community after watching Nate Hagan interviewing Kate Raworth recently. Over the last 4-5 years I have worked with others to design and teach workshops, mostly for adults. I'm always interested in ideas and resources, so the website was a very helpful find!
Xavier Veciana
-Developing circular economy projects in Brasil in private, public and civil society sectors. -Long experience start-ups strategy & financing in private and PPP companies and associations . -Executed projects on systems thinking for learning organizations, community development, urban and coast sustainable development land planning, circular economy entertainment and tourism business. -Field experience in Asia, Africa, Europe and L.America. -Economist, researcher, author and community activist.
Sebastian Schwolow
Ken Novak
St. Ambrose University, Davenport, Iowa USA
Ken Novak, Ph.D. is a public speaker, father of eight children, retired military officer, a hospice bereavement support chaplain and adjunct university professor. I do believe the future belongs to the storyteller, and donut economics is rewriting the narrative of our shared humanity. Currently, I am trying a new project with my business ethics students in seeing if they can help "advise" Mr. Tom Vazzo, CEO of Homeboys Inc. and author of The Homeboy Way, in considering how his desire for "Economic Equality Capitalism" (p.146) can be framed within the considerations of donut economics, especially with respect to the social foundation. Mr. Vazzo's "new way forward" includes a radical idea of putting "our best business minds to use in creating companies with huge employment returns as opposed to creating companies with huge financial returns as the priority" (p.149). That's bending the curve of growth toward people, and specific for Vazzo's consideration it means "invest[ing] in people who are just beginning to see life bloom before them." #socialjustice, ,
Ana Jacome
Richard Speight