Making the Doughnut Real with a Doughnut Deal!
Doughnut Deals as a tool for multiple value creation and new democracy

The Doughnut Deal - from concept to implementation -was born in June 2019 in Amsterdam. Since then 12 Doughnut Deals came into being. The last one evolved to an international Doughnut Deal, with 12 partners, e.g. Grenoble Metropole. Read more in the brochure about it. In the text below more details about the design principles and protected use of the term. Feel free to follow our examples and make it fit for your specific situation!
Goal: Design Principles Doughnut Deals and protected use of the term
A Doughnut Deal is intended as a practical translation of the Doughnut Economy, focused on the HOW: how do 'we' get into the donut, in order to create a more integrated impact. At the same time, a Doughnut Deal is intended to achieve democratic renewal by changing the playing field and the rules of the game. See video:
Design principles
There are 3 integrally related Design Principles:
• Work on at least 1 issue from the outside of the Doughnut
• Combine that with at least 3 issues from the inside of the Doughnut
• Do this with at least 2 parties and record the agreements in an agreement in which a tilted COOPERATION is central: equal, reciprocal, fair and transparent.
The Doughnut Deals concept was developed in June 2019 by Anne Stijkel of the Cocratos Foundation while working on an integral sustainable project in Gaasperdam, in which, in addition to sustainability, multiple value creation and democratic renewal were central. Since then, the concept has been operationalized several times in Co-operative de Groene Hub. The 1st 8 Doughnut Deals are co-signed by Kate Raworth, the designer of the Donut Economy; the 1st international Doughnut Deal is in preparation (Oct 18, 2022). See https://groenehub.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/folder-grenoble- 1.pdf.
Doughnut Deal Expertise Center
The Donut Deal Expertise Center is located in Co-operative de Groene Hub. This Expertise Center is a partnership of Cocratos, Co-op. Energie Samen and Co-op. de Groene Hub and builds on the knowledge and experience that has been built up with the 1st 8 Donut Deals. We are happy to share that knowledge; we help/advise organizations upon request in forming, developing, strengthening and evaluating new Doughnut Deals.
Creative Commons
Given the power and impact of Doughnut Deals, the Creative Commons 4.0 code applies to the use of the term Doughnut Deal: use of the term is permitted provided the source is acknowledged, acknowledgment/application of the above Design Principles and no commercial purpose. If you prefer to apply this Code of Conduct, please report this to the Expertise Center so that we can invite you to the annual signing moment in the presence of the jury.
Knowing more
For inspiration: www.groenehub.org For questions: ddec@groenehub.org
Driving Doughnut Economics in Tunisia
Empowering Tunisian youth through Doughnut Economics to tackle environmental challenges and promote sustainability
Amsterdam Donut Day 2023
On November 13th Amsterdam celebrated her third Donut Festival. This year we were joined by the worldwide community!
Luis Palicio
Leeds (UK) / Oviedo (Spain)
I'm a 37 years old food safety expert from Spain but living in the UK for the last decade. Our current model is unsustainable and that's we need to use frameworks like Doughnut economics to reshape our local communities and way of living. I have experience in food manufacturing and involvement of civil society and community work.
Nadia NV
Quietly revolting for a thriving world. Keen to learn more and make connections.
Francesco Pagliari
Milan Italy
I’m a innovation builder and in my activity’s of working on new business idea in a. Ailton by day work in a Startup Studio I’m looking to sustainability as a central point in the design of new business opportunities
Anna Louise Gurney
My experience includes over twenty years in formal secondary education, fifteen years studying and writing on global justice and regenerative cultures, ten years in the field of Permaculture, during which time I founded and built up the Boodaville Association. The Boodaville Association provides opportunities for learning about permaculture, ecology and designing regenerative cultures. We are developing a land project and demonstration site in the Matarranya region of Spain – 2.5 hours from Barcelona, and we coordinate EU projects with the European Solidarity Corps and Erasmus+ programs. I am currently focusing on delivering in person Doughnut Economics workshops in English and Spanish in and around Barcelona and am interested in running teacher trainings, helping to develop educational activities and games, and supporting initiatives that get Doughnut Economics into formal education.
Christophe Claude
Born at 320ppm http://sealevel.info/co2.html climate worried physicist turned product manager
Roelof de Vries
Veel ondernemers en bestuurders worstelen met vragen rondom de transitie naar nieuwe verdienmodellen. De noodzaak hiertoe wordt onderkend, maar hoe begin je en wat ga je tegenkomen… Als koploper duurzaam ondernemen ken ik de uitdagingen van een transitie naar nieuwe houdbare verdienmodellen als geen ander. Ik doorloop met mijn bedrijf een dergelijk traject en weet waar de uitdagingen en vooral waar de kansen liggen. Via allerlei netwerken sta ik in contact met onderwijs, wetenschap en andere duurzame ondernemers. Hierdoor ben ik in staat als “transitiegids” organisaties snel op weg te helpen om daarmee de continuïteit voor de organisatie zeker te stellen. De Donut is voor mij een prachtig principe om mee te werken, want het is: • Schaalbaar (lokaal / globaal toepasbaar) • Een communicatie middel (simpel, integraal, verbindend) • Meetmethode en Kompas / Doel • Integratie middel Naast natuurlijk inspirerend. Daarom haalde ik Kate Raworth, samen met anderen, in 2018 ook naar Noord nederland. Zie Ontmoet Kate Raworth live! 'Kate komt naar het Noorden.' Kate Raworth - 18 juni - DNK Assen - YouTube Ik heb inmiddels veel practische ervaring met het toepassen van de Donut in de praktijk. Schakel mij dus in als je wilt versnellen.
Anne Stijkel
Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Nederland
I live and work in Amsterdam South East in Gaasperdam (35.000 inhabitants) where many people struggle with issues from the inside of the doughnut. In June 2019 I designed the concept and the realisation of Doughnut Deals (DD) as a tool for Multiple Value Creation (DD=combine at least one issue of the outside of the doughnut with at least three issues of the inside of the doughnut and set your goals on it with at least two partners. Since then 8 Doughnut Deals have been developed and described. These Deals are imbedded in and coordinated by Cooperative the Green Hub. Several new Deals came into being during the Doughnut day of the Doughnut Coalition (18-10-2022), even an international Doughnut Deal, together with the Metropole Grenoble. The Doughnut Deal Expertise Centre in Amsterdam, operates as a service for each (organisation) who wants help in creating a new Doughnut Deal;. See https://youtu.be/3F-sxkKcsGc and https://www.cocratos.nl/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/folder-grenoble.pdf
Jennifer Millspaugh
Austin, Texas, USA
“It is going to take innovators to design new business models and apply new technology to move beyond our constant consumption of limited resources.” — my Tedx 2018 I design programs, communities, and business strategies that serve the innovation economy. My work incorporates dynamic capabilities and design-thinking to define, build and establish projects, processes and business models that redefine growth, resilience and success for a new economic era. I am currently (re)launching Ellevara to help organizations and entrepreneurs design business models for a better world.