Academic dissertations

A living list of academic dissertations that engage with the core concepts and applications of Doughnut Economics

Version 1.3 (February 2025)


Welcome to the DEAL Team’s curated list of student-led dissertations and research projects that deepen the concepts and application of Doughnut Economics (also available as a PDF version here and at the bottom of this page).

DEAL’s motivation for this tool is to inspire and lightly guide future research by providing a repository that helps make student-led research more visible. This living list is organised by year of submission and it will be updated periodically, but it is by no means exhaustive.

Please let us know if you have a dissertation or student-led research project to add to the collection, by sending a message via the contact page and select 'Research & Data Analysis' from the category options.

The DEAL Team does not currently have the capacity to supervise or co-supervise student-led research on an ongoing basis, but we may be able to share thoughts and connect you with others in the wider research community if you get in touch. In addition, we invite you to:






2020 and earlier


This tool was created by Andrew Fanning with contributions from Kate Raworth. Photo credit to Helena Lopes on Unsplash.





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