Ask Questions: Guide for Change Agents
This shows you why, when and how questions can accelerate your cause or campaign.

Questions are your most powerful tool. When you make demands, people are defensive and come up with reasons to reject them. This strengthens their position in their own minds and with their supporters. When you present facts, people who disagree with you come up with alternative facts or questions for you, putting the ball back in your court.
But when you ask a question respectfully, it prompts people to answer and think more deeply. A good question can niggle away, creating doubt from inside their head. Keep asking and find fresh ways to put your question until you get an answer that moves your cause forward until you get the action needed.
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Amogh Sharma
I am a high school student in India and I want to enlighten others about the possibility of prospering in balance (By reaching the safe and just space for humanity.)
Gayle Dallaston
Brisbane, Australia
Founder of The Shady Lanes Project and member of Regen Brisbane When I started my verge garden, my reason was simple. I was fed up with mowing it. Back then, I had no idea where it would lead me. Now I think verge gardens could be the key to saving us from the worst of climate change and biodiversity loss. Big claim for unimportant little bits of land, you might say. Come on the journey and see if you change your mind. The Shady Lanes Project is about a lot more than us all planting out our little patches. It’s about bringing diverse people together to learn how to collaborate by doing. It’s about changing the way we see nature. It’s about eco-systems thinking. Most of all, it’s about learning by doing the doable - and making what’s doable grow. [ShadyLanes_verge_eastward.jpg] [ ] Find out more: Website - Substack and newsletter