Beneficial Actualisation Model 2.0
A systems tool for place-based collective actions: Synergy that advances and aligns wellbeing and vitality for all

Beneficial Actualisation is an ongoing and adaptive wellbeing and vitality developmental process where Beneficial Coherency, Systems Thinking and Vital Engagement 2.0 connect with and then activate three interdependent wellbeing science theories, Beneficial Literacy, Benefit Mindset and Beneficial Action. The process advances and aligns ways knowing, being and doing: co-creating, regenerating, transforming and then sustaining contextual sources of personal, societal and ecological wellbeing and vitality over time. Beneficial Actualisation’s intended outcome is to shift a person’s, a group’s, a community’s or a society’s focused attention towards a Salutogenic Orientation, the study of resources and assets for health leading to positive health, and optimal wellbeing and health pathways.
Six Conditions of Beneficial Actualisation: https://www.thecoast.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/Six-Conditions-of-Beneficial-Actualisation.pdf
Beneficial Actualisation is the result of an informal four year systemic inquiry, participation in Theory U (ULab 1X and GAIA Journey) and a co-design and trial process with UN Youth (Vic), and other collaborations with Wellbeing Science teams and researchers.
Beneficial Actualisation’s central wavelike symbol was conceptualised from a lived experience with mental ill-health, a love of the ocean, and observing the ripple effects and cycles in nature. The model draws core principles, values and practices from multiple ways of knowing, areas of knowledge and emerging Wellbeing Science theories and concepts including: Well Coherent, Vital Engagement 2.0, Benefit Mindset, Beneficial Action, Beneficial Literacy, Wellbeing Literacy, Systems Change in Health Promotion and Regenerative Development and Design.
The initial engagement framework (Waves of Wellbeings / WoW) that inspired BAM was developed as a youth-led, youth-run series of facilitated session (1.5 hour) conducted online over a 10-12 week period in 2020 and 2021. The result of these trials serves as a guide of the framework’s potential to build the capacity (change makers) of the youth facilitators and participants, and the framework’s ability to produce and implement wellbeing prototypes.
The general intention of BAM and the WoW engagement framework is to illuminate and activate - engage, connect and align with the central Wellbeing Science’s beneficial ways of being, doing and knowing - Benefit Mindset, Beneficial Action and Beneficial Literacy at both an individual and collective level.
Ultimately the goal of BAM is to build the capacity of the system to uncover intervention points for positive change, leverage points that generate beneficial ripple effects. The smallest of daily things: our thoughts, our actions, our language – about and for wellbeing and vitality for all, may offer a viable starting point for further inquiry. A point that leads to improving the odds of broadening and deepening our senses of belonging and thriving, becoming and flourishing. Over time, we will uncover leverage points for wellbeing and vitality for all, ripple effects that create lasting change that reach far and wide to benefit Me & We, Place & Planet.
David L Wright -Waves of Wellbeings, Team Lead. dlw@thecoast.com.au
Explanatory notes and definitions
Wellbeing and vitality concepts working together to improve the odds of Belonging and Thriving, Becoming and Flourishing.
Beneficial Coherency is an enduring though dynamic sense of broadening and deepening the scale and quality of relationships within and between: (1) Consciousness - awaken caring, focused attention, and open awareness; (2) Interconnectedness - Self and self, Self and others, and Self and nature; (3) Adaptiveness - an open mind, an open heart, and an open will; and (4) Generalised Beneficial Actualisation Resources – sources of contextual personal, societal and ecological wellbeing and vitality. (Wright, 2021)
Vital Engagement 2.0 is a four-part model of engagement that is characterised by character strengths use, feelings of intense absorption and interest (flow state), a sense of energy (subjective vitality), and a broader sense of purpose and meaning (meaning in life). Vital Engagement: Four-Part Model (Ignjatovic, 2020)
Benefit Mindset is concerned with the life-long process of learning how we can be the transformation and realise our unique potential in a way that serves the wellbeing of all. Benefit Mindset (Buchanan & Kern, 2017)
Beneficial Action is about prosocially and altruistically motivated behaviour that uses consequential (scientific) knowledge to increase freedom within the global population. Beneficial Action (Toumbourou, 2016)
Beneficial Literacy is the capability to comprehend and compose beneficial language, across contexts, with the intentionality (desire, belief, intention, skill and awareness) of using such language for the mutual benefit of self, others and nature. (Wright 2021, adapted from Wellbeing Literacy (Oades et al, 2021)
Horizontal Development or informative development is incrementally adding new skills, knowledge, and intelligences within our current view of ourselves and the world (Kegan, 1982). It is learning which, over time, enables us to grow, progress, and improve.
Vertical Development or transformative development is transforming our view of reality so we can see our lives and the world with new eyes. (Kegan, 1982). It is learning which as Johann Wolfgang von Goethe describes “opens up a new organ of perception within us,”.
Leverage Points The smallest of daily things: our thoughts, our actions, our language - about and for wellbeing and vitality for all, offers a viable starting point for further inquiry. It’s adapted from Stodd’s - leadership in the smallest of things: our mindset, our words and our actions, in every single day, and Benefit Mindset’s Everyday Leadership – to promote wellbeing on both an individual and collective level. Smallest of Daily Things
Developmental Aims help us to hold an internal pattern through time so that we are able to maintain an appropriate state of being and a quality of thinking, regardless of circumstances. Beneficial Actualisation three development aims are adapted from Regenerative Development and Design, Ethics of Care, Theory U, Doughnut Economics and the Contemplative Inquiry work of Siegel and Zajonc. Awaken Caring about and for self, others and nature. Focused Attention into safe, just and regenerative collective action.
Open Awareness to co-creating our highest future possibility.
Wellbeing a dynamic beneficial state of being and doing.
Vitality fluctuating energies that aid functioning.
Hicham El Maaroufi Elidrissi
Tomorrow’s economies and organizations of all kind won’t be about creating profits for shareholders. It will definitely be about improving the state of the world and driving human value. As we’ve been living in the Anthropocene -the one of a human-influenced age, and maybe the greatest of all time- all the existing paradigms we've built our society and economic systems upon have now become obsolete. The 12.000 years since the last ice age during which all human civilization developed is now a thing of the past. Today, HUMANITY is facing its biggest and serious challenges ever. Finding new equations to advancing human potential(s) and solve the crisis of this deliquescent civilization is of paramount importance in our exponential and ubiquitous world. In fact it should be the concern of everyone. I'm starting with the man in the mirror! 2010 was a wake up call for me and I've decided to serve the greater good to enable change and power an ontologically conscious economy. I believe in our capacity to use technologies wisely, consciously and purposefully. We did it in the past but today it's the only way we for us to transition and shape the course of history. A change like never before to save us from that collective madness that may lead us to our own extinction. So I've created a global collective of radical thinkers aiming at creating positive shifts through conscious embodiment and enactivism. But more than a company what I've designed as an "Innovation Collective & Systemic Design Studio" is a symbiotic, dynamic, and unconventional ecosystem designed to shift people’s thinking. A place where singular ideas can flourish because everyone connects and inspires others to go beyond the limits of the current frame of perception.
Thomas Brown
mark schneider
Pritesh Dineschandra Kotecha
Lisbon, Área Metropolitana de Lisboa, Portugal
Enthusiastic and energy spreader are some of the soft skills that makes me a life passionate. Married and father of 2 (10 and 4yo couple), I consider myself a hedonist and an epicurist. Enjoying all the pleasures life have to offer, try to practice a work-hard-play-hard/YOLO positioning. Humanist by heart and Illuminist by mind. Liberal regarding the markets, conservative regarding customs. Love to cook and Lego collector, Benfica supporter
Tom Owen-Smith
Lambeth, London Borough of Lambeth, England, United Kingdom
Doughnut Economics is an inspirational text, and I am keen to be part of building it out to change our economy and society. I am the Sustainability lead at SUMS Consulting – we are a not-for-profit membership organisation providing consultancy services to the university sector, mostly in the UK. One aim is to make universities run sustainably and in harmony with their place. Universities are also at the centre of knowledge production and can make big contributions to the paradigm shift through their research, education and ability to bring people together. I hope to learn from this community and share ideas for change – both for my work and for living my own life.
Marlene Fortes
Mark Fonseca Rendeiro
Haarlem, Noord-Holland, The Netherlands
Former: Regional Coordinator, MasterPeace Foundation. Current and always: Podcast Producer since 2004.
Vivek Meshram
Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
Observer, Reader, Learner A vivid observer of polity, economy, and environment. Interested in behavioral sciences, behavioral economics and public policies. Pursuing M.A. in Industrial and Organizational Psychology.