Version 1.0 (May 2023)
1. Either access the zine by clicking here or downloading the attached pdf
2. Print the A4 zine page, making sure to printing is set to 'Fit to paper'
3. Follow the instructions below make the zine booklet
4. Use your phone to scan the QR codes to watch each of the seven ways 90-second video animations
AG Brader
Eelde, The Netherlands
I am keen to embed the core concepts of Doughnut Economic with our youth
Helge Koops
Seeheim-Jugenheim, Hessen, Deutschland
As a 20th century boomer and trained economist, I have clung to old paradigms long enough. It's time for something new.
Get inspired, connect with others and become part of the movement. No matter how big or small your contribution is, you’re welcome to join!
Christophe Guéret
Looking for people to have regular meet-ups with and share ideas