Doughnut Report
A web tool to quickly mark a current status or intention onto the doughnut diagram.
Version 1.0 ([October 2020])
This is a visualisation tool, to quickly draw arcs into the doughnut diagram. Thick and thin arcs can be drawn, over the various topics of the doughnut. Furthermore, the arcs are in colour, representing a level: green is good, through to red which is bad.
Why use it?
This is a way of quickly summarising a situation. Thick arcs can represent the current situation, and thin can represent the targets that want to be achieved.
Who is it for?
Anyone who wishes to present a situation on the doughnut diagram. Therefore suitable for facilitators, teachers, students, policymakers, entrepreneurs, consultants etc. It is also useful as a working tool, to create snapshots.
How long does it take?
It is immediate to use: click on the relevant level (1 to 5) of a topic (e.g. Land Conversion), and an arc is drawn on the diagram. Once done, a record can be made by taking a screenshot.
How many people is it for?
Any number of users at any time.
What materials do you need?
None, only access to the website.
What does the facilitator need to know or be able to do?
To be familiar with the buttons, that thick and thin lines can be drawn, as well as erased. No data is stored or collected (it is all done via the website page scripting); there is no possibility to download the image. However, as screenshot is possible. On the page, there is a further link to a pdf that may help in selecting a appropriate level (1-5). This data is set out as a grid for reference, but the original data is from the book Doughnut Economics.
Thomas Rasche created the tool. The original image of the doughnut, adapted to be a greyscale from Kate Raworth.
A Preliminary data portrait of Oxfordshire
🌀 Four lenses, re-rolled 📈 More than 35 indicators ⚖️ Including a new methodology for the Global Social
Analysis of the Northern District of Lviv, Ukraine
Comprehensive analysis, which aimed to provide understanding of the current and potential state of the city district
Barcelona's Data Portrait: re-rolling the donut
We present here the main results for the 4 lenses of our re-rolled doughnut
The Doughnut Journey in Barcelona - workshops
Here we present in detail the series of workshops and debates done in 2022 for the Barcelona city donut process.
The Doughnut Journey in Barcelona - the process
In 2021 Barcelona municipality has embraced the doughnut. We present here the overall process that has been followed
Launching our Data Portrait as an exhibition
A platform for lots of conversations with people and expanding our network in Minato Ward.
Second California DEAL Meetup
Platforms have been established and actions are underway to discover the recipe for a California Doughnut
London Doughnut Economy Coalition - Meeting Three
A summary of the third meeting of the London Doughnut Economy Coalition - Exploring London’s indicators and partners.
Olivia Bush
I have 16 years experience of working in health and social care in the UK and Ireland. I am a medical doctor by background and now work in transforming health systems, citizen participation and in education. My passions are whole person care, services built around those with lived experience, healthy, sustainable communities....and poetry!
Charmaine Bosse
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Environmental Advisor under Canada’s Oceans Protection Plan and Graduate student working towards a Masters of Environment in Environmental Assessment. I’m here to learn, get inspired and use doughnut economics as a foundation to support my Masters thesis on tools for factoring planetary boundaries into environmental impacts assessments of extractive industries in Canada.
Jane Whild
Milton Keynes, England, United Kingdom
I am and ex University Administrator, now spending my time on activism in local communities in Milton Keynes to tackle the Climate Crisis, Misogyny and Gender Inequality. I am a core member of the MK Doughnut Economics Group which operates under the umbrella of Transition Town MK. Our group are part of a fledgling Milton Keynes Climate Action Network (MKCAN). I am a member of the Women's Equality Party (WEPUK) - the first political party to adopt Doughnut Economics as policy. I am also a member of FawcettMK, Citizens:mk and Cycling Citizens MK. I would like to see the Doughnut applied to my Borough and am a member of Milton Keynes DECA (Doughnut Economics Climate Action) Group.
Ramiro Bueno Martínez
Guadalajara, Castilla-La Mancha, España
Social Entrepreneur and IT Independent Consultant Digital Transformation, Circular Economy and Entrepreneurship
Firenze, Toscana, Italia
Sustainability facilitator, specific areas include circular economy, diversity & inclusion, soft skills, marketing communications event and campaign development, internal communications and employee engagement, identity (vision, mission, values - developing purpose), stakeholder engagement, sustainable cities & communities, health & wellbeing, corporate social responsibility.
Ian Convery
Pip Newland
Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand
Sustainability Lead at the local electricity distribution company. Passionate about sustainability in design.
Camille Balduyck
Paris, Île-de-France, France