Doughnut Unrolled: Data Portrait of Place
A handbook of approaches for collecting targets and indicators across each of the four lenses for your place

Version 2.2 (January 2024
đą Now translated into French, Spanish, German and Brazilian Portuguese
* Cet outil est également disponible en français comme Google Doc ou comme PDF (et avec une feuille de calcul supplémentaire) *
* Esta herramienta también estå disponible en español como Google Doc o como PDF (y con hoja de cålculo complementaria). *
* Dieses Tool ist auch auf Deutsch als Google Doc oder als PDF (und mit unterstĂŒtzender Tabelle) verfĂŒgbar. *
* Esta ferramenta tambĂ©m estĂĄ disponĂvel em portuguĂȘs como Google Doc ou como PDF (e com planilha suplementar). *
The goal of the Doughnut is to meet the needs of all people within the means of the living planet, but what does this mean for the neighbourhoods, cities, districts or nations where we live?
To help explore this question, DEAL has created a set of Doughnut Unrolled tools that unroll the Doughnut into four 'lenses' that consider the interplay between local aspirations and global responsibilities in your place â both socially and ecologically â and identify possible entry-points for transformative action.
This tool - Data Portrait of Place - is a handbook of approaches and useful resources for collecting locally relevant, data-led targets and indicators to create a holistic snapshot or a 'portrait' of your place's performance across each of the four lenses.
For an overview, watch the 18-min video with Andrew Fanning, DEAL's Research & Data Analysis Lead, introducing the Data Portrait of Place tool (recorded in July 2023 as part of this series of videos presenting Doughnut Economics concepts and practice). You can also access his presentation slides online using Google slides, or download the PowerPoint presentation.
The Data Portrait of Place handbook is available as a Google Doc or as a PDF (also available to download below, with accompanying Supplementary spreadsheet).
Why use this tool?
The Data Portrait of Place handbook provides guidance and useful resources for you to create a holistic data-led snapshot of what it means for your place to thrive while helping to bring humanity into the Doughnut.

It invites you to collect and compare desired outcomes versus current performance of your place using available data, offering a 'portrait' to discuss complex issues, which can keep evolving as more data is made available over time. For a collection of useful examples and results from the growing number of places that have already begun using the Data Portrait as an input to transformative action, see the accompanying Data Portraits in Action tool.
DEAL encourages you to use this data-led tool together with the Community Portrait of Place tool, which provides a complementary set of participatory workshop materials that can be used to invite the people of your place to share their knowledge, ideas, lived-experience and aspirations. Together, these tools draw upon both data and other diverse contributions to build a rich, multi-layered and holistic portrait of your place.
Important note: If you wish to use these tools as part of your consultancy or professional advisory services for others, then we require that you follow DEAL's policy for consultancies and professional advisors.
Healthy living systems rely on good feedback loops and we invite your comments, reflections and suggestion from using this tool to help us iterate and evolve for future versions.
You can do this in three ways:
- Leave a comment in the section below called Join the conversation. The benefit of this approach is that everyone can see and benefit from what you share.
- Share detailed comments and suggestions in this dedicated Data Portrait of Place online collaborative feedback document.
- Contact the DEAL Team directly via the contact form, choosing the category 'Tools and Stories'.
The Doughnut Unrolled methodology was conceptualised by Kate Raworth of Doughnut Economics Action Lab and Janine Benyus of Biomimicry 3.8, and this methodological handbook was written by Andrew Fanning, Kate Raworth, Olya Krestyaninova, and Fredrik Eriksson, with valuable contributions from Rob Shorter, Leonora Grcheva, and Ruurd Priester from Doughnut Economics Action Lab. We are so very grateful to the many, diverse contributors to this tool and earlier versions. Please see the extended acknowledgements section within the handbook for additional details.
Doughnut Unrolled - Data Portrait of Place_v2.pdf
Doughnut Unrolled - Data Portrait of Place_v2 (translated)-en-de.pdf
Doughnut Unrolled - Data Portrait of Place_v2 (translated)-en-fr.pdf
Creating-City-Portraits-SuppInfo.xlsx (translated)-en-fr-T-C.xlsx
Doughnut Unrolled - Data Portrait of Place_v2 (translated)-en-es.pdf
Creating-City-Portraits-SuppInfo.xlsx (translated)-en-es-.xlsx
Creating-City-Portraits-SuppInfo.xlsx (translated)-en-de.xlsx
Doughnut Unrolled - Data Portrait of Place_v2 (translated)-en-pt_br.pdf
Creating-City-Portraits-SuppInfo.xlsx (translated)-en-pt_br.xlsx
An Oxfordshire Preliminary Data Portrait of Place
đ Four lenses, re-rolled đ More than 35 indicators âïž Including a new methodology for the Global Social
An Oxfordshire Doughnut Economics Project
đ© We're delighted to share the final report from a recent Oxfordshire Doughnut Economics project !
Doughnut in urban development in GrĂžnlikaia, Oslo
A new fjord district in Oslo has been using Doughnut Economics to help guide the urban development.
Introducing Donut Economics to ESSEC students
Explaining to Urban Economics Chair's students what is Donut Economics and walking them through several case studies
Downscaling the Doughnut to Chapel Hill
As part of a student-led class at UNC-Chapel Hill, students created a model to downscale the doughnut to Chapel Hill.
Barcelona's Data Portrait: re-rolling the donut
We present here the main results for the 4 lenses of our re-rolled doughnut
Methodological Insights on BCN data portrait
We explore here how we have calculated the 4 lenses of our rerolled doughnut and share some tips for future applications
Unrolling the Doughnut: Professionals Community
An story of how a technology community can explore ways to evolve their initiatives
Nichole Schantz
The University of Bath
John Adams
Salt Lake City, Utah, United States of America
I retired early from my career in technology sales. The culture of corporate America was no longer working for me. Specifically the idea that there is a moral space, where as long as you are not breaking the law, your only responsibility was to shareholder value and pursuit of profit. Full acceptance of this leaves little space to connect with your values and principles. As I dug deeper into the concepts of Doughnut Economics the decision to retire from my professional job was a no-brainer. It was a purposeful transition from years of accumulating, to focusing on how to thrive so that I could live the concepts. This in turn has freed up my time and attention capacity to make sense of the current situation of the world, understand the underlying systems, and determine how I can contribute to help make positive change. I came to DEAL to find guidance on how to take action.
Brian Dowling
Hacienda Heights, California, United States of America
I serve as Treasurer for the California Doughnut Economics Coalition (CalDEC.org).
Philippe Coullomb
Kuala Lumpur, Malaisie
Pragmatic idealist focused on facilitating cross-sector collaboration and systemic change.
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Anna Branten
Malmö, SkÄne lÀn, Sverige
Developing strategies, methods and tools for societal transition - focusing on systems, entrepreneurship and inclusion.
Bruce McNaughton
Oxford, England, United Kingdom
Thanks very much for the Action Lab. I am currently exploring how to integrate the Doughnut and Embedded Economy models within the following areas in Business: * the Business Case for Programmes and Projects (e.g. UK Green Book)? * Integrated Management Systems with ISO 9001 related standards? * Sustainable Community based upon ISO 37101 and relation to the doughnut * the EFQM Model? * B-Corporation Certifications? * Systems engineering related areas. The people working with these models and standards already have an understanding of models and have their own internal audiences within organizations. I'm interested in collaborating with any people also looking at these areas.
Derek von Behr
BrasĂlia, Distrito Federal, Brasil
Architect, urban planner and landscaper