Human Rights Economics
Human Rights Economics offers legal and advocacy tools for working towards a fairer economy.

Human Rights Economics strives shares many of the values and objectives of other strands of alternative economic thinking such as Doughnut Economics, Ecological Economics, Buen Vivir or Wellbeing Economy.
It adds to these by bringing the human rights legal and advocacy toolbox to bear in favour of efforts for an economic system that is just for people and respectful of the planet, that promotes social and economic justice, that integrates a plurality of views and traditions and that is human rights-consistent in both its processes and outcomes.
Human Rights Economics is rooted in globally accepted human rights principles of dignity, substantive equality, non-discrimination, participation and accountability. It posits that economics is blind with respect to the experiences of groups and individuals who are not represented at the policy-making table. Economics’ culture-blindness and lack of attention to the experiences of different groups affect economic policy findings and policy proposals and tend to favour those who are already privileged.
The notion that economic actors must take responsibility – be accountable – for economic processes and the impacts of their economic proposals, policies and practices is at the heart of Human Rights Economics. It emphasizes the need for economic decision-making to be participatory and consistent with human rights principles, and requires feedback loops to permit adapting economic policies as new evidence emerges.
Hicham El Maaroufi Elidrissi
Tomorrow’s economies and organizations of all kind won’t be about creating profits for shareholders. It will definitely be about improving the state of the world and driving human value. As we’ve been living in the Anthropocene -the one of a human-influenced age, and maybe the greatest of all time- all the existing paradigms we've built our society and economic systems upon have now become obsolete. The 12.000 years since the last ice age during which all human civilization developed is now a thing of the past. Today, HUMANITY is facing its biggest and serious challenges ever. Finding new equations to advancing human potential(s) and solve the crisis of this deliquescent civilization is of paramount importance in our exponential and ubiquitous world. In fact it should be the concern of everyone. I'm starting with the man in the mirror! 2010 was a wake up call for me and I've decided to serve the greater good to enable change and power an ontologically conscious economy. I believe in our capacity to use technologies wisely, consciously and purposefully. We did it in the past but today it's the only way we for us to transition and shape the course of history. A change like never before to save us from that collective madness that may lead us to our own extinction. So I've created a global collective of radical thinkers aiming at creating positive shifts through conscious embodiment and enactivism. But more than a company what I've designed as an "Innovation Collective & Systemic Design Studio" is a symbiotic, dynamic, and unconventional ecosystem designed to shift people’s thinking. A place where singular ideas can flourish because everyone connects and inspires others to go beyond the limits of the current frame of perception.
Jemma Luck
Rosana Rezende
São Paula, SP - Brazil
I am a biologist with a Master's degree in Forestry Sciences, and I have devoted 25 years of my career to protecting life. I believe in the power of collaboration and have used my expertise, skills, and network of partners to support initiatives that seek to regenerate and promote sustainable models for creating a new green economy that benefits both people and the planet. Throughout my career, I have worked in various sectors in Brazil, including research corporations, the Brazilian Ministry of Environment, the private sector, and WWF Brazil, as well as with NGOs. I find inspiration in travelling, being in nature, reading various books, engaging in conversations with friends, and staying active through yoga or other sports, which allow me to rejuvenate and bring new ideas and innovation to my work.
Christian Zauner
Vienna, Wien, Austria
Background in Software & IT, Entrepreneur, Coaching, Teambuilding, Organisation Development and Tuning, Risk & Project Management. "Founding Father" of Parents For Future Global (+ Austria and Vienna), Supporting Member of Scientists For Future Austria, Director & Trustee at ClimateScience.org Member of the organizing team for "Doughnut Wochen Wien", which is still the working title.
Caroline Dommen
Geneva, Genève, Switzerland
I am engaged in building a fairer, more sustainable economy. At the local level I lead community-based circular economy projects, focused on food systems and waste reduction. At the international level I advocate for an economic system based on human rights - human rights economics.
Eva Marina Valencia Leñero
Mexico City, Mexico
| Sustainability Transitions Specialist | Co-Founder of Mexico City's Doughnut Economic Coalition + Scaling Coordinator in CIMMYT-CGIAR After finishing my MSc in Environmental Sciences, Policy and Management in Lund University with a thesis to downscale the doughnut for Mexico City's water policies, I learned research was not enough to make a change. For this reason, I have co-founded the Tricolor Coalition (Mexico City's Doughnut Economic Coalition) to collaborate with other agents of change to promote sustainability transitions in Mexico City. We are now developing community, informative, and capacity building activities to support Mexico City's agents of change interested in promoting this transition. I am currently also working as a Scaling Coordinator in the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center. In my job, I continue to learn about systems thinking approaches, and about what types of food innovations could be scaled (why? and where?) to create more impact. Moreover, I also have experience in international and national public administrations, and I have specialized in the water-food-energy sectors and climate change challenges.
Ana Arribas Sebastián
Segovia, Castilla y León, Spain
I'm a Social Worker and a Master's graduate in Development and International Relations, with a specialization in Global Gender Studies. I grew up in a small town surrounded by mountains and that was (and still is) what made me aware of how important is respecting the planet that hosts us while guaranteeing the fundamental rights of all human beings. I'm still learning how to achieve both goals and I hope to learn and share experiences here that lead us toward it. Nowadays, I am working on the relationship between climate change and gender equality and actively committed to find alternatives to the current system in order to achieve sustainable development.