Interactive Donut tool for municipalities
How sustainable is your municipality? (German)

An interactive, online tool capable of creating a quick snapshot of ecological and social indicators for your municipality. The tool and related documentation are in German, but you can use tools such as Google Translate to view in other languages.

Orléans, Loiret, France
If we are to achieve our goal of greater respect for our environment and the people who make up our society, we need to take action at every level. This is the reason why I decided to help companies, local authorities and organisations commit to a CSR and transition approach. Today, I offer CSR modules, seminar days and tailor-made support to get all teams involved in a comprehensive, integrated approach. After listening to Kate Raworth at a Conference, I felt that the doughnut had to be shared with as many structures as possible.
Eunjung Kim
South Korea
I am a community activist, dedicated to fostering positive change within my local community.
Nikolaus Hildenbrand
Germany, Baden Württemberg, 97896 Freudenberg
As managing director of the hilbra GmbH I have developed a management system that shows the economic, social and ecological costs of our products and also how we can compensate them. A short overview you find in the following research report: https://www.tib.eu/de/suchen/id/TIBKAT:1837328382/Easy-EPD-Teilvorhaben-3-Anforderungsprofil-%C3%96kobilanzierung?cHash=3417d6ddc591995c9cae5bd974ab5e5b With our sustaincoin we make these results visible. The sustaincoin is also a communication tool in our sustaiability reports: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/319467762_Der_SustainCoin_als_Nachhaltigkeitslabel https://www.hilbra.de/images/Nachhaltigkeitsberichte/aktualisiert/Nachhaltigkeitsbericht_23.pdf With my senseholder concept I am looking for a new opportunity that slowly the homo eoconomicus, or known as rational man, can leave the scene. In addition I am an university lecturer. In this function, with the structural engineer students, I figure out how to calculate more sustainable building details. The managementsystem I developed in business I also can use as education tool. The concept of a "Down to Earth Economy" I have developed is a monetary system. Knowing that not everything can be expressed by money I see an enormes potential in the doughnut economic view.
Steven George
Noordwijk, Netherlands
Steven George is an Earth Observation Technology and Systems Engineer at the European Space Agency (ESA) based in Noordwijk, Netherlands. He holds an MSc in Physics and an MSc in Astronautics & Space Engineering. Steven has a diverse background in volunteer work, including engaging in national student space initiatives, contributing to UN Volunteers mapping initiatives, and founding new initiatives and clubs. In addition, he participates in animal rights and climate activism. He endeavours to use his experience, time, and voice to bridge that gap between science, policy, and the public for an existence where humans, non-human animals, and the planet co-exist sustainability and in peace. He primarily campaigns on behalf of the plant based treaty. A global initiative aimed at advocating for the inclusion of a plant-based treaty on the agenda of international discussions, notably at the COP meetings. This treaty underlines the shift towards an entirely animal agriculture-free food system, seen as a pivotal remedy for addressing the climate crisis.
Eva Willmann de Donlea
SYDNEY, Australia
Director – 1Earth Pty Ltd – Australia With an academic and professional background in science, business, and finance, Eva is an experienced advisor and consultant on integrating environmental, social and governance values in finance. She was Head of Sustainability and Climate Change to FINSIA, the Financial Services Institute of Australasia, worked for the UN in Geneva, Switzerland and for a federal minister in Australia. As an ethical investment advisor in Australia, she advised individuals and NGOs on ethical or Socially Responsible Investment (SRI) portfolio strategies and wrote industry courses on this topic for the investment industry. Eva founded and was the Chair of The Climate Council Inc, whose aim was to integrate federal and investment industry initiatives on climate change. She was a delegate to a number of the international UNFCCC Kyoto Protocol meetings and served on a federal government selection panel for clean technologies. She speaks five languages and is certified as a permaculture teacher. As one of the Australian Ecotourism founders, she established the first national cetacean-based tourism industry association and served as its inaugural Chair. She sits on the Advisory Boards of Ethical Markets LLC, USA, the Climate Prosperity Alliance, USA, Climate Futures, Macquarie University, Australia and is a member of UN Harmony with Nature. Over the past years, her focus has shifted to partnering with traditional Indigenous elders from around the world to integrate sustainable innovations and systems thinking with traditional knowledge and a profound respect and connection to Land, Country and Spirit. She founded the NFP 1Earth Institute Inc, together with an Indigenous elder. https://1earth-institute.net
Miah Shull Olmsted
I work through creative, social enterprise, and community-engaged participatory projects. I actively support frontline feminist heroes working in edutech, femtech, health tech, climate tech, ethicalAI, and those who self-identify as the innovation leaders co-creating a future we all wish to share equitably. My life's mission is to co-create a more child-friendly world. If we design for the most vulnerable in life, we will make significant progress in creating a thriving life for people and the planet. Multiple ideas, a plurality of voices, and nuanced perspectives are always welcome at the table.
David Lim
Seoul, South Korea
After working for E.LAND, a Korean fashion company, I have been working as a brand consulting and marketer for 15 years since 2008. Since 5 years, I have been studying with interest in E.S.G-related meetings with brands and companies in Korea. The book I found at that time is Donut Economics, and based on this book, I am helping existing companies and brands prepare for a sustainable future from an E.S.G perspective.
Robert Austin
Purdue University
I am a lecturer in physics at Purdue University.