Seven Ways One Pagers

Each of the Seven Ways to Think Like a 21st Century Economist summarised onto one page with some questions to reflect on

Version 1.0 (August 2023)

View the Seven Ways One Pagers as a google doc here.
Or download the Seven Ways One Pagers as a pdf at the bottom of the page.

This tool has been translated into Arabic here.


This tool is a set of 8 pages that provides a succinct summary of each of Doughnut Economics' seven ways to think like a 21st century economist.

Each page has a 'from' and 'to' description - along with an accompanying image - to describe each of the Seven Ways transformations, as well as some questions to reflect on.

Ways to use it

  1. You can use it to get a quick sense of the Seven Ways if you are new to them or use it as a reminder if you have already been introduced to them.
  2. You can share it with others who are new to the ideas or use it as a workshop guide, where you discuss, as a group, the questions that are offered on each page.
  3. You can use it alongside your own local knowledge and language, to design a bespoke workshop for people locally, to introduce them to Doughnut Economics.

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    1 comment
    Franziska Dilger about 1 year ago

    Would it be possible translating this to German (and other languages)? 

    1 0

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