Seven Ways One Pagers
Each of the Seven Ways to Think Like a 21st Century Economist summarised onto one page with some questions to reflect on

Version 1.0 (August 2023)
View the Seven Ways One Pagers as a google doc here.
Or download the Seven Ways One Pagers as a pdf at the bottom of the page.
This tool is a set of 8 pages that provides a succinct summary of each of Doughnut Economics' seven ways to think like a 21st century economist.
Each page has a 'from' and 'to' description - along with an accompanying image - to describe each of the Seven Ways transformations, as well as some questions to reflect on.
Ways to use it
- You can use it to get a quick sense of the Seven Ways if you are new to them or use it as a reminder if you have already been introduced to them.
- You can share it with others who are new to the ideas or use it as a workshop guide, where you discuss, as a group, the questions that are offered on each page.
- You can use it alongside your own local knowledge and language, to design a bespoke workshop for people locally, to introduce them to Doughnut Economics.
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Hallo:) Ich studiere Medizin in Bonn und engagiere mich in meiner Freizeit in der Greenpeace Ortsgruppe Bonn. Vor einem Jahr habe ich mich erstmals mit dem Zusammenhang zwischen Nachhaltigkeit und Geld bzw. Wirtschaft auseinandergesetzt und seither lässt mich das Thema nicht mehr los! Ich bin bereits mit der Gemeinwohl-Ökonomie e.V. vernetzt und möchte auch gerne diese Plattform kennenlernen, um mehr über die Donut-Ökonomie und die DEAL-Community zu erfahren! Hello:) I study medicine in Bonn and am involved in the Greenpeace Bonn local group. A year ago I first learned about the connection between sustainability and money/ economy and still aspire to learn more about it! I am already connected to Gemeinwohl-Ökonomie e.V. (ecogood) and would also like to get to know this platform to find out more about the donut economy and the DEAL community!
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