Doughnut Design for Business Taster Tool webinar - 11 Apr 4pm UK time (Past)

Intro to the recently launched business taster tool and an overview of how Doughnut Economics relates to business

DEAL has recently launched a new shorter tool for business. To introduce this new taster business tool, we are holding new webinars on 11 and 12 April January to introduce this new taster tool. Register to join either the morning or afternoon version of the webinar where you can learn more and join the discussion.

The Doughnut Design for Business taster tool is a 2 hour workshop focused on applying the concepts of Doughnut Economics to businesses. It is a leaner and shorter version of our earlier core tool, which is for a 5 hour workshop. Both tools focus on transforming the deep design of businesses - Purpose, Networks, Governance, Ownership, Finance (see this recent video introducing this concept) - to unlock the ideas that will help humanity into the Doughnut. In part one, you identify the most ambitious regenerative and distributive ideas (strategies, actions, practices, investments). In part two, you ask how the design of the business holds back such ideas, and how the design could evolve to enable them.

In the webinar, DEAL's Business & Enterprise lead Erinch Sahan will provide an overview of the new taster tool and answer questions about the concepts and activities as well as policies around its use.

This webinar is for anyone wishing to use this tool with businesses. This could be: business networks, start-up incubators, founders, intrapreneurs, trade unions, consultants, think-tanks, business schools, accelerator programmes, impact investors, community groups, NGOs... and anyone able to engage businesses in their deep design.

For background, you can also look at:

How to attend

Please register for the webinar via zoom here to receive the zoom details.

Note that this event is repeated on 11 April 4pm UK time (this event) and 12 April 10am UK time for both Asia and Americas time zones to enable people from across the world to participate. The sessions will be identical, so you only need to attend one.

Register via this zoom link:





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