Young Leaders in Energy & Sustainability summit
Conference “Changing the frame: What do Doughnuts have to do with Sustainable Development?”
Posted by Doughnut Economics Greece Network
The City Portrait tool presented to Greek Academia
The Doughnut Economics Greece Network presented at the 8th Conference of the Adult Education the City Portrait tool
Posted by Doughnut Economics Greece Network
University students step into the Doughnut!
An Entrepreneurial Student Association in Greece "Steps into the Doughnut"
Posted by Doughnut Economics Greece Network
We are a team of different backgrounds and talents who have united to explore Doughnut Economics and start a movement in Greece. We raise awareness of and experiment with Doughnut theory and tools, and aim to eventually act as a bridge between decision makers and citizens wanting to create change in their communities. Our first mission is to deepen our knowledge of Doughnut theory by holding interactive team sessions, and then with the local community, before moving on to learning, applying and experimenting with tools and principles and engaging wider stakeholders.
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Young Leaders in Energy & Sustainability summit
Conference “Changing the frame: What do Doughnuts have to do with Sustainable Development?”
Posted by Doughnut Economics Greece Network
The City Portrait tool presented to Greek Academia
The Doughnut Economics Greece Network presented at the 8th Conference of the Adult Education the City Portrait tool
Posted by Doughnut Economics Greece Network
University students step into the Doughnut!
An Entrepreneurial Student Association in Greece "Steps into the Doughnut"
Posted by Doughnut Economics Greece Network
Nothing to see here yet.
Emily Antoniadi
Seliána, Greece
Strategy - Design - Facilitation - Applied Mycology Exploring Doughnut Economics theory and tools with my community to foster resilient, eco-logical economies.
cristina sarris
Athènes, Αττική, Grèce
From Business Transformation Consultant to Sustainability Capacity Building Facilitator for organisations that need to interpret and analyse their environmental impact. I co-founded the "Greece Doughnut Economics" network in 2021. We are a small and dynamic network that has been meeting regularly. My dream is to accomplish the translation of the book into Greek and run workshops using the Doughnut tool in Greek municipalities.
Elena Vallianatou-Voutsina
Athens, Greece
Adult educator, founder of VIOSIMI KINOTITA community, with a purpose to cultivate transformative ways for the environmental literature of citizens, locally, nationally and globally.
Vernardos Saltamanikas
Αθήνα, Αττική, Ελλάδα
I am Vernardos, a mathematician who now is studying philosophy. I am a father of two and we all live in Greece.
Athanasia Karamerou
Αθήνα, Αττική, Ελλάδα
I am a Sustainability trainer and cosultant to empower & support people to become sustainable. I use different tools as a trainer and I want to embed doughnut economics in my trainings.