Community Hall Self-Build Education Project
Our community self-build education project turns the radical idea of Doughnut Economics into transformative action.

This project was in large part inspired by an artist placement up in Bradford and Leeds that I went on in 2013. There I met an incredibly inspiring man, Claude Hopper Hendrickson, who had, in response to the lack of diversity within the construction industry, built a street of 12 houses with a group of unemployed black men, learning the skills along the way, so that by the end of the project the men not only had a share of a house, but also a whole new set of skills. I was really impressed by his work, both with this project and with subsequent community youth projects he has been involved in. His project has all the internal logic and coherence, all the beauty that a great work of art has. Since learning about it I have been really keen to do something similar, and find the right people and the right way to do a self-build project like this.

We are really thrilled to have Sahra Hersi, a black woman in architecture and a graduate from The Royal College of Art leading the programme. She has an amazing practice which explores shared spaces, the public realm, collaboration and community engagement. She will be able to make transparent the otherwise obscure and daunting process of becoming an architect. She will also be able to show all the career paths to which an architectural education can lead. Just through the planning of this project I have been learning a lot myself about the process of becoming an architect. To be honest while I realised that with a BA and MA it takes a long time and is expensive, I had no idea just how much it depended on having financial backing beyond the MA phase of the journey and if you're lucky, the right connections. Which explains why the architectural industry is so lacking in diversity.

The Doughnut Principles of Practice fit very neatly with what we would like to achieve through this project: keeping a regeneration project local, putting sustainability and the community at the centre, and nurturing human nature. The project becomes about nurturing talent, and strengthening the community rather than putting a regeneration job out to tender for companies and businesses that are driven by growth and are outside our local community.
In consultation with local residents this will:
- nurture community talent to rebuild a community asset
- foster a stronger post-covid community while addressing the climate crisis
- provide new skills for local young people whose employment prospects have been hardest hit the pandemic
- redesign the community hall with the community so that it meets community needs.
- INVESTING IN THE COMMUNITY: this is an opportunity not just to make a better space for the community by giving residents greater autonomy over their environment and design of the building but to educate local young people. The consultation process, led by the young people, will nurture community cohesion and intergenerational exchange. Collectively redesigning the building with the community will put community interests at the centre of the design process and will ensure a design plan that fully meets the needs of the community. This community participation will ensure more civic engagement and democratic outcomes.
- TACKLING STRUCTURAL INEQUALITY: not only will we be working through the councils Hackney Works team recruiting Black, Asian and minority ethnic participants but the programme will be led by Sahra Hersi, an architect who graduated from the Royal College of Art, providing a positive role model in an industry where Black women are underrepresented.
- ADDRESSING SUSTAINABILITY: participants will be introduced to renewable energy technologies and sustainability solutions, preparing them for employment in the new green economy.
- PROVIDING EDUCATION & EMPLOYMENT: This project will provide a segue for young people into employment or education, young people's employment prospects have been hardest hit by Covid and education is increasingly expensive. The young people will have architectural and design skills that will build their portfolios for employment or further education.
We would love your support: https://www.spacehive.com/eco-community-hall-self-build
And please do have a look of our activities on the estate: https://mountfordgrowingcommunity.org/

A City Portrait Canvas for Workshops
A workshop tool to evaluate strategies through the City Portrait’s ‘4 lenses’
Downscaling the Doughnut: Data Portraits in action
A collection of tools and useful examples for creating a Data Portrait of Place, also known as City Portrait.
A Quick Introduction to the Doughnut
Introducing the Doughnut and its application in Amsterdam
Chapter One of Doughnut Economics
Change the Goal: From GDP to the Doughnut
Creating City Portraits
An earlier methodological guide for downscaling the Doughnut to the city (newer version available)
Dimensions of the Doughnut
An introduction to each of the 21 social and ecological dimensions of the Doughnut
Doughnut Dreams and the Dream Spiral
An activity to imagine your vision of a future when we are all living in the Doughnut
Map of the Doughnut Movement
Let us put all on one map: All Cities, Universities, Groups, Initiatives or Businesses, working with the Dougnut-Model
Aline Marcelino
Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, The Netherlands
I am a project manager, designer, and consultant for the Circular economy. I help individuals, businesses, institutions and organizations to become regenerative, collaborative, circular.
Matthew B
Peter Quirk
London Borough of Richmond upon Thames, England, United Kingdom
Shaktari Belew
Ashland, Oregon, United States of America
I am a life-long learner. From a early background in computer systems, which gave me a whole-systems lens through which to approach the rest of my life, I've been an educator, author, artist, Transition movement trainer/contributor (since 2008), Permaculture instructor/designer, group facilitator, complementary currency designer, researcher, parent, grandparent. I love seeing through multiple lenses and points-of-view. I guess you could say I am a Whole-Systems, Biomimicry, "DANCING ON MY LEARNING EDGES" explorer ... contributing, connecting, and loving, with joy.