Dimensions of the Doughnut

An introduction to each of the 12 Social Foundations and 9 Planetary Boundaries of the Doughnut

Version 1.0 (September 2020)


This tool is a series of slides that show each of the 21 dimensions of the Doughnut. For each dimension there is a short description, the data for the Global Doughnut and some images to capture the essence of the dimension. This can be used as a tool for teaching and presenting to others as well as using in workshop activities such as Joining the Doughnut Dots.

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This tool was created by Rob Shorter of the DEAL Team, with contributions from Kate Raworth, Andrew Fanning, Carlota Sanz and Karn Bianco.








    Steven George

    Noordwijk, Netherlands

    Learning how to apply the donut economic model to an entirely animal agriculture-free food system

    Xavier Veciana


    Synergies with DEAL Community are a strong multiplier. Circular economy start ups in Brazil are a hope for Global South.

    Kate Raworth about 2 months ago

    Thanks Josef and yes indeed - we are working on an updated version of the Doughnut and once that is published we will be updating all of the dimensions.

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    Josef Davies-Coates 5 months ago

    It'd be great to get an updated version of these slides. Quite a lot has changed in the last 4 years.

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