Dimensions of the Doughnut

An introduction to each of the 21 social and ecological dimensions of the Doughnut

Version 2.0 (September 2024)
🌍🌎🌏 ¡También disponibles en Español!


This tool is a series of slides that show each of the 21 dimensions of the Doughnut. For each dimension, there is a short description, the data for the Global Doughnut (soon Doughnut 3.0!), and images of live initiatives/projects happening in practice all over the world. 

These initiatives aim to capture the essence of the dimension and how we may move towards the Doughnut for each of them. There is still a lot of movement to be done in this respect, but each example shows a range of actions happening around the world to inspire and encourage people, particularly young people, who are so aware of the social and ecological challenges globally, and many of whom are so involved in leading action.

This tool can be used as a resource to support teaching in or outside education spaces, to present and/or expand ideas about the Doughnut, as well as a practical tool to use in workshop activities. A tool to use in everything that has to do with opening pathways towards distributive and regenerative futures!

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Click here to view this tool in Google Slides (también disponible en Español)


The Dimensions of the Doughnut Version 2.0 tool was created by Aimee Laurel, Carolina Escobar-Tello, Kate Raworth, and Ruurd Priester, with contributions by the DEAL Team.

Version History

Version 1.0 was published in September 2020; available at this link and also as a .pdf file below. Version 1.0 was created by Rob Shorter with contributions by Kate Raworth, Andrew Fanning, Carlota Sanz, Karn Spydar Lee Bianco, and Ruurd Priester.




    Ellen Sjong 2 months ago

    Hello and thank you very much for this great tool. 
    I understand that the donut model (slide 5) has now been updated where 6 planetary boundaries have been exceeded. But the small pictures on each dimension are not updated (8-29). For example, in the case of chemical pollution, it does not have any red on the slide that deals with this dimension, but the main model is red far beyond.
    Is this understood correctly? And how far have you come in the work?
    We very much need an updated version of the tool for the work we do in Norway.

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    Kate Raworth 10 months ago

    Thanks Josef and yes indeed - we are working on an updated version of the Doughnut and once that is published we will be updating all of the dimensions.

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    Josef Davies-Coates about 1 year ago

    It'd be great to get an updated version of these slides. Quite a lot has changed in the last 4 years.

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    over 4 years ago

    [comment deleted by user]

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