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Browsing 35 search results
Lucy Bettinson
Devon, England, United Kingdom
David Riley
Port Adelaide Enfield Libraries
My background is as a STEM specialist, working in science discovery centres and museum organisations. I have helped establish the community-driven Makerspace Adelaide with a focus on sustainability and circular economy principles. I have a passion for education and critical thinking. I'm currently part of the City of Port Adelaide Enfield libraries as a STEM Specialist, developing and delivering community Learning programs and overseeing the Parks Library Makerspace.
David Spence
Stockton on tees
I'm very much into permaculture. I designed and work with the rekalibrator as I find it such a useful tool to make the changes in this world for everyone to benefit. Ask questions
Ion Adrian
Ploiesti, Romania
Yosui Kawatani
Hello. My name is Yosui Kawatani. I am a sole proprietor (trade name: Feel Layer) and I am working with my colleagues in Japan. I feel a sense of crisis that the world is now on the verge of collapse in terms of both the environment, economy, and society, and I am considering a post-capitalist society relative to the capitalist society. To achieve this, it is necessary to catch accurate and creative information quickly and use it appropriately. In recent years, doughnut economics has been attracting attention and being valued by communities that question excessive capitalism and technocracy, but there is still a noticeable delay in reaching social implementation, especially in Japan. That is why I would like to participate in the DOUGHNUT ECONOMICS ACTION LAB, not only to bring inspiration and ideas to my personal activities, but also to participate in the activities of the DOUGHNUT ECONOMICS ACTION LAB and work for the realization of a sustainable economy in Japan. I would like to move.
Julia Meuser
Crisis is the crack through which the light gets in. Change is here and it is a chance to take the leap from yesterday's economy to regenerative ways of working and living. After 20+ years in law and international law firms I continue my work with individuals and organisations to to inspire fresh thinking, create regenerative solutions and resilience in organisations, teams and for individuals. Who I am: Co-Founder of, an academy for sustainable and regenerative business practices. We design learning programs that speak to head, hand and heart and bring the entire organisation together in profound transformation. I am also a consultant, trainer, coach and certified yoga and mediation teacher, and lawyer. What I do: Open new perspectives, ask questions that inspire reflection and learning and help navigate uncertain times and unknown territory, help question outdated narratives and take the eagle view that looks beyond business as usual to create a regenerative future. Where I am at home: Among trees and in the margins, between stories, times, and beliefs, next to the crack through which the light gets in. ALWAYS ACT SO AS TO INCREASE THE NUMBER OF OPTIONS. (H. von Förster)
John Gardner
Oakland, Maine USA
I'm a retired engineering professor with a strong interest in energy, climate and sustainability. After decades of wrestling with technical problems, I've come to the conclusion that there's so much more that needs to be addressed.
Fanny Snaith
Cheltenham, UK
Hi - I am Fanny. Mum, wife, and money coach - in that order. My work as a money coach is to spread the word that money need not be boring, frightening or in short supply. My main focus is helping people develop a wonderful relationship with money, understanding that money needs to flow - like energy. Money can only work well when fair exchange takes place. Psychologically of course, that has different levels of meaning for us all and that is where the problems usually begin. Our three life currencies - time, energy and money are precious gifts. Manage them well and life is fulfilling and balanced. I believe that everyone should have the skills and knowledge to manage their money well, and to have a relationship with it that allows us to have a standard of living that serves to keep us healthy and happy.
Nadine Burggraf
Freiburg im Breisgau
I am a student of economics and would like to become a teacher for secondary school students. During my studies I came across the problem of growth and I want to learn more about circular economy systems. I believe that there is an alternative to capitalism and that our economic system needs to change to a healthy system where we neither exceed the limits of our planet nor fall into a lack of basic needs. The Doughnut is a good and easy to understand model that I would like to convey as a serious alternative to the traditional economic model of the 20th century.
John Bestley
East Yorkshire United Kingdom
Retired doctor Not actively involved in environmental issues
Get Animated! Introducing the Seven Ways
Seven short animations to introduce the Seven Ways to Think Like a 21st-Century Economist
What is the Doughnut?
An introduction to the concept at the heart of Doughnut Economics
The Lancet Planetary Health Publication
An academic publication of the Doughnut to coincide with the release of the book Doughnut Economics
Chapter One of Doughnut Economics
Change the Goal: From GDP to the Doughnut
Doughnut Economics TED Talk
Kate Raworth's TED Talk from 2018
Doughnut Principles of Practice
A PDF of the Doughnut Principles of Practice ready to print
When Business Meets the Doughnut
What does it take for business to help bring humanity into the Doughnut?
Cornwall Doughnut Economics Playbook
A simple online hyperlinked tool for community groups learning to think Doughnut - easy to create your own version!
A Quick Introduction to the Doughnut
Introducing the Doughnut and its application in Amsterdam
Downscaling the Doughnut: Data Portraits in action
A collection of tools and useful examples for creating a Data Portrait of Place, also known as City Portrait.
Introductory lectures on Doughnut Economics
A series of four lectures covering the fundamentals of Doughnut Economics, hosted by Ubiquity University
Introducing Regenerative and Distributive Design
Three short videos introducing the design dynamics at the heart of Doughnut Economics
Doughnut Unrolled: Introducing the four lenses
An introduction to the four lenses and the set of tools you can use to help your place bring humanity into the Doughnut
Doughnut Unrolled: Dimensions of the four lenses
An overview of each of the dimensions of the four lenses on life