How we apply Doughnut Economics in Berlin
Talk: How to Think like a Doughnut Economist and Transform the City - a Journey of Donut Activism in Berlin

Teaser: How can we meet the needs of all people within the means of the planet? Doughnut Economics offers a radical idea: abandon GDP growth, think in systems, distribute wealth, and nurture the earth. The initiative Donut Berlin has been using these principles to transform the city in more ecologically regenerative and socially just ways. The talk offers a guided tour through the meandering currents of urban activism – from theory to practice, from present to future.
Link: https://tum.cloud.panopto.eu/Panopto/Pages/Viewer.aspx?id=51fb3d08-4933-4ab6-a0aa-ad2e007f1114
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Downscaling the Doughnut: Data Portraits in action
A collection of tools and useful examples for creating a Data Portrait of Place, also known as City Portrait.
A Quick Introduction to the Doughnut
Introducing the Doughnut and its application in Amsterdam
Creating City Portraits
An earlier methodological guide for downscaling the Doughnut to the city (newer version available)
Dimensions of the Doughnut
An introduction to each of the 21 social and ecological dimensions of the Doughnut
Four lenses - Four questions of city portrait
Use as a starting point for conversations and engagement in your community, to get people thinking and talking!
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub
This is a crowdsourced data hub where you create city dashboards in order to collect and analyse relevant data
What is the Doughnut?
An introduction to the concept at the heart of Doughnut Economics
Xavier Veciana
-Developing circular economy projects in Brasil in private, public and civil society sectors. -Long experience start-ups strategy & financing in private and PPP companies and associations . -Executed projects on systems thinking for learning organizations, community development, urban and coast sustainable development land planning, circular economy entertainment and tourism business. -Field experience in Asia, Africa, Europe and L.America. -Economist, researcher, author and community activist.
Christian Hansen
Berlin, Germany
Enthusiastic about 🎵 music, 🌞 nature and 🍃 change! Human being, activist with Donut Berlin and fellow at Politics for Tomorrow, creating a Doughnut-Dashboard for the city of Berlin. Musician by heart.
Patricia Murphy
Pascal Blachier
Nicole Krzisczyk
Bielefeld, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany
I am currently studying my Masters in Public Health at the university Bielefeld. I am interested in the connections of social factors, environmental resources and health outcomes as well as global health topics.
Martin Stavenhagen
Singapore, Singapore
Hi, I'm a Doughnut, circular economy and system innovation / net-zero enthusiast originally from Germany, in Singapore since 2014 . I'm also Co-Founder and Director of Get Circular with SD Consulting; and a policy consultant, coach and educator focused on building capacities for the circular economy and sustainable development.
Melina Scioli
Buenos Aires, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Tatiana Kan
Incheon, South Korea
Finance and Planning Consultant at the Green Climate Fund