Cornwall's Global Donut Day
A summary of our contribution to the worldwide event on 13 November 2023
In the morning we looked at the Doughnut and Universities, learning from Cornwall Council's decision wheel to play with example scenarios and consider how a university could use its institutional, regional and financial power to make decisions within the Doughnut. We then used the Four Lenses tool to unpick the impact of spreading Doughnut Economics across the curriculum, imagining what the consequences would be across local and global contexts.
After lunch we heard from Erinch Sahan to introduce the concept of applying Doughnut Economics to business and enterprise. We used the LEGO Serious Play model to imaginatively create models of ourselves, our organisations, their purposes and structures, to consider how they could be different. We then learned from the Amsterdam Doughnut's change network model, and discussed what a network for Cornwall could include.
In the evening we moved to the Pendennis Community Centre, and were the first group to hold an event in the empty swimming pool that is now under community ownership. We rejoined the global connections session, and then stepped into the Doughnut, using embodied practice to consider our own personal relationships with the upper and lower limits. We closed with a mapping exercise, noticing how we see, hear, and experience the planetary and social boundaries in our places.
We saw real enthusiasm and momentum for growing the Doughnut community across Cornwall, and will be planning more events, peer-sessions and global link ups soon.
Here are some resources from the day:
Below are some pictures from the three sessions.
Communities: Let's Get Started!
A collection of tools & stories to apply the ideas of Doughnut Economics to your community
Doughnut Design for Business - Taster Tool
The shorter, taster version of DEAL’s guide to redesigning businesses through Doughnut Economics
Doughnut Unrolled: Introducing the four lenses
An introduction to the four lenses and the set of tools you can use to help your place bring humanity into the Doughnut
Step Into The Doughnut v2.0 (now in 30 languages)
An accessible and engaging way to introduce the Doughnut to any group