First California DEAL Meetup
Californians get mobilized to co-create a DEAL coalition for California

Moved by the work done by Amsterdam and London Doughnut pioneers, Californians get mobilized to co-create a DEAL coalition for California
Filled with momentum and democratic euphoria Californians interested in launching a DEAL coalition had their first California DEAL meetup. It was on November 12, 2020 when over 50 people joined the first California DEAL meetup via Zoom. Members joined from all across California and a few from other US states. The goal was to offer a place for people animated by Doughnut Economics to connect over a common purpose, share methodology, and ultimately take action.
- The Doughnut Principles of Practice
- The Amsterdam Approach of Building a Doughnut Coalition in 7 Steps
- Sustainable living on the governmental and household level
- I wish California to lead the change
- Thriving, balanced, cooperative society
- Beautiful fun confident model state
- Sustainable future for all people
- Inclusion and sustainable for all
The topics for the first breakout round were:
- What would it mean for the people of California to thrive? What would it mean for Californians to respect the wellbeing of people worldwide? (even numbered groups)
- What would it mean for California to thrive within its natural habitat? What would it mean for California to respect the health of the whole planet? (odd numbered groups)
- What might it look like to apply Doughnut Economics to the state of California?
- What might be the pros and cons to doing a state-wide effort? What are the next steps?
- Summarize the breakout group discussions
- Jonathan DeLong volunteered to facilitate our second meetup, which will take place on December 3, 2020, from 5:30 to 7:00pm PST.
- Sofia Sarachansky volunteered to write up the story of the first California Meetup.
Please note: when attending meetings we ask that you attend as yourself, and not representing your company or group.
What is the Doughnut?
An introduction to the concept at the heart of Doughnut Economics
Get Animated! Introducing the Seven Ways
Seven short animations to introduce the Seven Ways to Think Like a 21st-Century Economist
Doughnut Economics Journey of Knowledge Map
Icebreaker to enable meeting attendees to share in a group activity. It creates an atmosphere of active participation.
Doughnut Report
A web tool to quickly mark a current status or intention onto the doughnut diagram.
Doughnut Powerpoint Template
Fully editable Doughnut ppt template.
Doughnut Principles of Practice
A PDF of the Doughnut Principles of Practice ready to print
Doughnut Economics TED Talk
Kate Raworth's TED Talk from 2018
Benjamin Zierock
Experienced Professor with a demonstrated history of working in the higher education industry. Strong education professional with a Master of Arts (M.A.) focused in design, media art and management from Staatliche Hochschule für Gestaltung Karlsruhe. My daily business includes conception, , and project management between creation, technology and customer for projects of students, startups, companies and ..
Vicki O'Day
Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States of America
My background is in personal finance and organizational development. I'm a Regenerative Futures Designer looking through the living systems lens of life. I'm developing interdisciplinary learning labs for leaders of the future. Labs are topical learning pods of 12ish people with diverse views. We are learning to see systemically to transform entrenched systems. We create the conditions for constructive innovation. We are learning and acting in partnership with social, ecological, economic, and worldviews to heal and thrive . I partner with collaborators working intentionally on seeing the whole by using a systems approach for designing healthy communities and environmental outcomes for people and our planet. The doughnut is a great transformative tool!
Peter Knight
Corvallis, Oregon, United States of America
I'm a political economist and strategic analyst with broad international experience in digital transformation, electronic media, international banking, and foundation work, For the last twenty years or so I've been devoted to leveraging ICT to accelerate social, economic and political development. My current professional interests: promoting thought, communication, and action across three areas: innovation, sufficiency, and sustainability.
Alan Pesskin
Oxford, England, United Kingdom
Specialist property developer interested in applying donut economics to support and help create eco-communities.
Isabell Lippert-Habermehl
Frankfurt am Main, Hessen, Deutschland
Freelance Sustainable Action Support and Part of Frankfurt Doughnut Coalition
Antares Reisky
Hamburg, Deutschland
Christopher Black
High Wycombe, England, United Kingdom
Della Duncan
San Francisco, California, United States of America
Della is a Renegade Economist based in the San Francisco, Bay Area. She teaches workshops and retreats about alternative economics around the world, supports individuals working to better align their values with their work as a Right Livelihood Coach, and offers consulting to organizations, businesses, and local governments contributing to equitable and sustainable economic systems change. Della is also the host of the Upstream Podcast challenging traditional economic thinking through documentaries and interviews, a Senior Fellow of Social and Economic Equity at the International Inequalities Institute in the London School of Economics, the Course Development Manager of Fritjof Capra’s Capra Course on the Systems View of Life, a Gross National Happiness Master Trainer, the Community Leader of Ingleside Community Power, a community-owned solar-power neighborhood cooperative, and a founding member of the Doughnut Economics California Coalition.