Doughnut Powerpoint Template
Fully editable Doughnut ppt template.

Powerpoint template of the Doughnut in portuguese and english.
Fully editable to any other language.
How to use it
The file contains two slides, in portuguese and the original english.
After downloading, hover the mouser cursor over the text, it should change (depending on the powerpoint version that you are using) to the text cursor ( looks like this ][ ).
You can then click on the text to open the text box ( as exemplified in the image below) and edit it as you please.

Introducing Doughnut Economics to Izmir, Türkiye
The Izmir Gevrek Model, aiming to live in a thriving, regenerative and inclusive Izmir
Bielsko-Biała power of local activism
Community portrait of ambitious city in Poland getting familiar with doughnut.
Introducing the Doughnut theory for business
A 1h45 workshop for professional participants to understand the Doughnut theory and its applications for business.
Video: Thrive v/s Growth
Motivational video to implement Creating City Portrait Methodology
Cambridge Doughnut quizzes election candidates
How will you help Cambridge and surrounding areas thrive, Cambridge Doughnut asks candidates ahead of May 6th elections
First California DEAL Meetup
Californians get mobilized to co-create a DEAL coalition for California
Neighbourhood Doughnut - CIVIC SQUARE
A short history of our journey with Doughnut Economics and what is coming up in Birmingham, UK
Egil Petter Stræte
Oslo, Norway
Erica Hinckson
New Zealand
Professor of physical activity and urban health at Auckland University of Technology in New Zealand.
Lorna Westwood
Chamonix-Mont-Blanc, Haute-Savoie, France
I'm working towards a world in which business leaves more value than it takes, and puts positive impact before profit, in service of a just and liveable future for all. I work as an independent marketing consultant, organisation designer and change facilitator for leaders of social value, sustainable and impact-led organisations. I bring 25 years of real-world business experience, coupled with a profound understanding and authentic commitment to addressing the change that’s needed to secure a thriving future for life on Earth. I'm exploring the potential of marketing to play a key role in the transition to a regenerative future. What if collectively, as marketers, we could transform our industry into a fairer, kinder, more ethical and responsible place, which encourages sustainable behaviour change and nurtures well-being?
Rob Ward
Leading on sustainability for the organisation responsible for making the UK's nuclear waste permanently safe, sooner. Our mission to protect people and the environment involves application of the waste hierarchy and circular economy principles as well as major infrastructure development, and our impact will be felt by communities and society for multiple generations.
Achim Arnold
Frome, UK
to be updated
Joe Carroll
Tampere, Finland
I’m an accomplished, versatile, and agile IT business leader working in the B2B SaaS and circular economy sectors, with 25 years of experience spanning sales, IT consulting, IT management, Director of Operations, and CEO roles. I love collaboratively designing solutions at the intersection of people and technology, tackling complex problems through diverse perspectives and holistic systems thinking to empower sustainable growth and success for both individuals and organizations. I'm passionate about working towards an equitable world in which we and the planet thrives.
Katherine Cunningham
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
I started with a bachelor of Business in Entrepreneurship where no one even whispered the word cooperative. Then spent the last 4.5 years learning all about Worker Cooperative Start ups with Earthworker. From this created a Cooperative Bootcamp where we take in groups of 5 people with a feasibility analysis of their business idea that they want to make into a worker coop. I am excited to see what the the DEAL work looks like alongside this work.
Miguel Aderaldo