Creating City Portraits
An earlier methodological guide for downscaling the Doughnut to the city (newer version available)

NOTE FROM DEAL (April 2022): We have substantively updated this methodological handbook and incorporated it into a wider set of 'Doughnut Unrolled' tools for applying the ideas of Doughnut Economics to your place.
DEAL is keeping this legacy tool available on our platform for archiving but it will not be updated.
For DEAL's latest guidance on selecting targets and indicators, please use the Doughnut Unrolled: Data Portrait of Place tool (available in English, French, German, Spanish, and Brazilian Portuguese).
Version 1.1 (February 2021)
* También disponible en español abajo (PDF) *
* 下面也提供葡萄牙语(PDF) *
* Também disponível em português abaixo (PDF) *
The DEAL Team collaborated with Biomimicry 3.8, C40 Cities and Circle Economy – through the Thriving Cities Initiative – to create the City Portrait methodology, and pilot the approach in Philadelphia, Portland and Amsterdam.
We created this methodological guide available as a PDF below with accompanying supplementary spreadsheet, which was published in July 2020 (with Spanish, Portuguese and Chinese translations published in February 2021).
The City Portrait methodology was conceptualised by Kate Raworth of Doughnut Economics Action Lab and Janine Benyus of Biomimicry 3.8, and this methodological guide was written by Andrew Fanning, Olya Krestyaninova, Kate Raworth, Jamie Dwyer, Nicole Hagerman Miller, and Fredrik Eriksson.
The methodology was greatly enriched by comments from colleagues and advisers including: Julia Lipton, Tom Bailey, Josh Alpert, Elvia Rufo Jimenez, Zach Tofias, Cécile Faraud, Mehrnaz Ghojeh, Chantal Oudkerk Pool, and Krisztina Campbell from the C40; Ilektra Kouloumpi, Annerieke Douma, Max Russell, and Jurn de Winter from Circle Economy; Paul van Schaik from Integral Institute; Ieva Rozentale from Mindworks; Philip Vergragt, Manisha Anantharaman, Halina Brown, and Christoph Rupprecht from SCORAI; Anne Owen from the University of Leeds; Kate Meyer from the Planetary Accounting Network; Nicolas Esposito, Haley Jordan, and Helena Rudoff from The City of Philadelphia; Kyle Diesner and Amanda Watson from The City of Portland, Oregon; Eveline Jonkhoff and Juan-Carlos Goilo from the City of Amsterdam; Christoph Gran and Tabea Waltenberg from ZOE Institute; Laure Malchair from Co-Create; Philippe Roman and Geraldine Thiry from ICHEC; Francesca Zecca from the University of Edinburgh; and Carlota Sanz and Rob Shorter from Doughnut Economics Action Lab.
Greater Geneva City Portrait
In 2020, we downscaled the Doughnut to the transboundary area of the Greater Geneva.
Mexico City's International Donut Day 2023
About the First International Donut Day in Mexico City, going where the (sustainability) energy is.
#GlobalDonutDay in Milton Keynes
Our GDD event attracted members of the public, community volunteers, council officers, business leaders and others.
Greater Melbourne City Portrait
Celebrating Global Doughnut Day by launching the City Portrait for Greater Melbourne!
Lincoln DEAL event
In June 2023, as part of Great Big Green Week, Lincoln held an inclusive event to start an open Doughnut discussion.
WS the 4 Doughnut Lenses in Complexo da Penha, RJ
Experience Report of the Doughnut Workshop conducted in Penha, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Barcelona's Data Portrait: re-rolling the donut
We present here the main results for the 4 lenses of our re-rolled doughnut
Methodological Insights on BCN data portrait
We explore here how we have calculated the 4 lenses of our rerolled doughnut and share some tips for future applications
Christiane Lellig
Aldershot, England, United Kingdom
Julián Andrés Posada Orozco
Carolina Cardoso Eboli
I am an Urban Designer and Architect with a deep interest in urban metabolism and circular economy and how they interrelate to the doughnut economics.
Jenny Cave
Cambridge, New Zealand
My work engages with the precarity of enterprise alternatives and diverse economies, seeking fair futures through co-creative processes in the cultural sector, community governance and tourism on a community's own terms in the South Pacific, the Caribbean, North America, UK and Europe.
yael brendel
Rahul Ravi
Liverpool, England, United Kingdom
Former Teacher and Political Theory Graduate. Now working part-time as an online tutor, and very keen to learn more about how Doughnut Economics works in practice, and to get involved in the practical side of its inspiring, long-term vision.
Rui Estrela Silva
Torres Vedras, Centro, Portugal
Bancário, Dirigente Associativo e Deputado Minicipal
Mirta Grewe
Meerbusch, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Deutschland
I am a mother of 3 who feels it is time to take responsibility for making this world livable for future generations. I have lived in various countries and have seen the inequality on local national and international levels. Having been active in schools on many levels, I have grass root experience in organising events and people and would like to do this on a larger scale. Also living on the side of the scale that has used more resources than it should it is payback time.