Creating City Portraits
An earlier methodological guide for downscaling the Doughnut to the city (newer version available)

NOTE FROM DEAL (April 2022): We have substantively updated this methodological handbook and incorporated it into a wider set of 'Doughnut Unrolled' tools for applying the ideas of Doughnut Economics to your place.
DEAL is keeping this legacy tool available on our platform for archiving but it will not be updated.
For DEAL's latest guidance on selecting targets and indicators, please use the Doughnut Unrolled: Data Portrait of Place tool (available in English, French, German, Spanish, and Brazilian Portuguese).
Version 1.1 (February 2021)
* También disponible en español abajo (PDF) *
* 下面也提供葡萄牙语(PDF) *
* Também disponível em português abaixo (PDF) *
The DEAL Team collaborated with Biomimicry 3.8, C40 Cities and Circle Economy – through the Thriving Cities Initiative – to create the City Portrait methodology, and pilot the approach in Philadelphia, Portland and Amsterdam.
We created this methodological guide available as a PDF below with accompanying supplementary spreadsheet, which was published in July 2020 (with Spanish, Portuguese and Chinese translations published in February 2021).
The City Portrait methodology was conceptualised by Kate Raworth of Doughnut Economics Action Lab and Janine Benyus of Biomimicry 3.8, and this methodological guide was written by Andrew Fanning, Olya Krestyaninova, Kate Raworth, Jamie Dwyer, Nicole Hagerman Miller, and Fredrik Eriksson.
The methodology was greatly enriched by comments from colleagues and advisers including: Julia Lipton, Tom Bailey, Josh Alpert, Elvia Rufo Jimenez, Zach Tofias, Cécile Faraud, Mehrnaz Ghojeh, Chantal Oudkerk Pool, and Krisztina Campbell from the C40; Ilektra Kouloumpi, Annerieke Douma, Max Russell, and Jurn de Winter from Circle Economy; Paul van Schaik from Integral Institute; Ieva Rozentale from Mindworks; Philip Vergragt, Manisha Anantharaman, Halina Brown, and Christoph Rupprecht from SCORAI; Anne Owen from the University of Leeds; Kate Meyer from the Planetary Accounting Network; Nicolas Esposito, Haley Jordan, and Helena Rudoff from The City of Philadelphia; Kyle Diesner and Amanda Watson from The City of Portland, Oregon; Eveline Jonkhoff and Juan-Carlos Goilo from the City of Amsterdam; Christoph Gran and Tabea Waltenberg from ZOE Institute; Laure Malchair from Co-Create; Philippe Roman and Geraldine Thiry from ICHEC; Francesca Zecca from the University of Edinburgh; and Carlota Sanz and Rob Shorter from Doughnut Economics Action Lab.
Bring the Doughnut to Berlin!
Learn more about the first meeting of Doughnut enthusiasts in Berlin
Donut Desire
What is the roadmap to a Doughnut Economy? 5 tips!
From Doughnut Meetups to Doughnut Movement
How a Doughnut learning community started in Amsterdam
Curaçao Doughnut Economy
Since the full lockdown of COVID-19 in March 2020 in Curaçao, Curaçao Doughnut Economy movement has emerged.
Applying the Doughnut for school development
Strothoff International School is using the Doughnut city portrait methodology to improve sustainability at the school.
An Indigenous Māori View of Doughnut Economics
Juhi Shareef of Moonshot:City and Teina Boasa-Dean collaborated to reimagine the Doughnut from a Māori worldview
How Copenhagen voted for the Doughnut
In June 2020, the City of Copenhagen voted with a large majority to draw up a plan for the city to adopt the Doughnut as an economic model. Fanny Broholm, a member of the city council, explains how she and others built the strong cross-party coalition that led to such strong support for the initiative.
Amsterdam City Doughnut
Downscaling the global concept of the Doughnut to turn it into a tool for transformative action in the City of Amsterdam
Shashi Bhushan
I am a communication professional and my concerns for nature and society motivate me to find like minded people. I have been actively involved in nature, food, and water conservation campaigns. In my opinion development is hugely misinterpreted as consumerism. This is clearly evident in habits like eating, drinking, commuting, and producing. I think our approach needs to be much more caring. Apart from being a communication professional, I am the father of a nature-loving girl. And I do not want to disappoint her by thinking that her father has not contributed to the betterment of our planet.
Martha Jenkinson
London Borough of Redbridge
Hi, I'm Martha, a purpose driven individual in the London Borough of Redbridge. I'm looking to connect with people in my community and collaboratively action the principles of Doughnut Economics in our local area. Social inequality is rife and growing, and the climate emergency is accelerating. We need to shift the economic narrative away from exponential growth and extraction to one of regeneration and distribution, and put people at the heart of decisions that affect their lives. The economy is a set of rules. We can change the rules.
Tomi Winfree
Mornington, Victoria
Sandra Matecki
Luxembourg, Belval
I work with complex systems, wicked challenges and uncertainties. This is mostly connected to regional development, where I identify connections between industries, sectors, organisations and people. I do all this to understand how things work in our societies and explore ways to initiate exchange and collaboration between diverse actors. I helped out in different sustainable development projects around Europe (Sweden, France, Switzerland and Luxembourg). My current mission: Contributing to sustainable development in Luxembourg - and thus also globally. Hit me up! Partnerships and Collaboration are key for the transition we need. Let´s start now! Send me a request or contact me on LinkedIn. I am happy to hear from you!
Maria Stergiou
Athens, Αττική, Greece
Passionate about the holistic framework of doughnut economics and its applications to the multiple spatial levels. MSc in Architecture Engineering NTUA, research interest about circular economy in cities and neighborhoods, with attention to the social and psychological resilience of people living in them. Creative soul with an inclination to painting and dance. Partnership manager of ESN NTUA Interested in connecting with other individuals or organizations for educational and participative workshops about the Doughnut in Athens.
Jaime Joel Rodriguez-Santiago
Tallinn, Harju, Estonia
I'm a Puerto Rican researcher at Tallinn University of Technology (TalTech) in Estonia, pursuing a PhD in Digitalization and Entrepreneurial Ecosystems. My research explores how digitalization impacts the development of entrepreneurial ecosystems. Specifically, I'm interested in how digital tools can be leveraged across borders to enhance accessibility of entrepreneurial resources and assist in the transition towards more economies. Before entering I gained experience in local and international public accounting firms, specializing in financial advisory and business risk services. I worked with clients across diverse industries in Puerto Rico, the U.S., Latin America, and the Caribbean, leading projects in financial modeling, internal audit, M&A due diligence, and business process reviews. Following the devastation of hurricanes Irma and Maria in my homeland of Puerto Rico, I transitioned to the non-profit sector. Here, I conducted on disaster recovery and led the design and evaluation of business support programs for nascent entrepreneurs in underserved communities. My passion for combining business expertise with led me to found Labfields where I leverage my past experiences to design accessible tools and services that empower small businesses to adapt to the challenges posed by climate change.
Fanny Dethier
Bruxelles, Région de Bruxelles-Capitale - Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest, Belgique
Post-doc researcher at ICHEC for the BrusselsDonut project
Ivory Lloyd
Hanalei, Hawaii, United States of America