Communities: Let's Get Started!
A collection of tools & stories to apply the ideas of Doughnut Economics to your community
Version 1.0 (May 2023)
Summary image picture credit: CIVIC SQUARE
Communities: Let's Get Started is a collection of tools & stories to apply the ideas of Doughnut Economics to your community, whether at the household, street or neighbourhood scale or connecting as networks for systemic change at the city, region or national scale.
The tool contains over 25 tools and 20 stories - with contributions from people, groups, networks and organisations from around the world - to help you get started with your community in your own unique context.
CLICK HERE (for google slides version)
Or download it (see bottom of page)
Why use it?
Doughnut Economics covers so much that it can feel overwhelming! Use this tool to find ways to get started in putting the ideas into practice with your community.
Use it as a signpost to see things you would like to…
- do straight away
- do in future
- share with others
Who is it for?
We believe this tool could be for anyone, whether you're interested in:
- learning more about the ideas by yourself or with others;
- introducing the ideas to others in your household, street or neighbourhood and exploring their implications together; or
- connecting with others at the city, region or national scale to work towards the deeper systemic shifts that are needed.
How long does it take?
It could take just 5 or 10 minutes to flick through some of the possibilities in the tool, but if you want to go deeper, you can set aside an hour or two to read some of the tools and stories contained within Communities: Let's Get Started.
Some of the tools contained here are processes that you can start now but are several months or years long.
Use it as a signpost for things you might want to do straight away, do in future or share with others.
This tool was made by Rob Shorter, with design contributions from Ruurd Priester; Doughnut Economics conceptual contributions from Kate Raworth; communications and technical support from Aimee Laurel and Karn Bianco.
Tool contributions from Mona Ebdrup, Magda Petford, CIVIC SQUARE, Huddlecraft, Jacob Rask, Kavita Purohit, Nettes Derbyshire, Charlotte Bailey, Zoe Gilbertson, The Jump and Leonora Grcheva.
Story contributions from Rieta Aliredjo, Nicole Hartmann, Ben McCallan, Olivia Carpenter-Lomax, Steph Bleach, Roisin Markham, Louise Byng, Tim Frenneaux, Miho Shimizu, Chris Paddock, Robertson Work, Karin Eyben, Sikander Bizenjo, Andrew Fanning, Rosana Rezende, Emi Imai, Alice Howard-Vyse, Kiran Kashyap, Pete Dowson, Zohar Ianovici, Rosa Tibosch, Nicole Barling-Luke, Eva Valencia Lenero, Franziska Raedeker, Dave Kearney-Brown, Della Duncan, Brian Dowling, Anne Sheridan, Aaron Blanco, Bjørn Hauger, Ellen Sjong and Kate Raworth.
Thank you to everyone for their generous contributions!
The Isle of Wight Doughnut
Introducing the Isle of Wight's Doughnut portrait at the Biosphere Festival
Youngsters downscaling the Doughnut in the Hague
Using arts and the doughnut economy model youngsters become agents of change.
Evento de bienvenida a la Alianza Donut España ADE
Grabación evento bienvenida a Alianza Donut España ADE. 14 de Febrero de 2024
Lincoln Global Donut Day
Climate Hope Lincoln and Lincoln Climate Commission joined the Global Donut Day 2023.
Cornwall's Global Donut Day
A summary of our contribution to the worldwide event on 13 November 2023
From 'normal' to 'natural': downscaling to village
An story of how a tiny village can explore ways to evolve their initiatives
WS the 4 Doughnut Lenses in Complexo da Penha, RJ
Experience Report of the Doughnut Workshop conducted in Penha, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Donut Brasil bursts into life!
Connecting diverse communities of practice around the idea and principles of the Donut
Blair Evans
Idlewild, Michigan, United States of America
Jannis Niethammer
Freiburg im Breisgau, Baden-Württemberg, Deutschland
Student in Environmental Governance
Duncan Crowley
Lisbon, Área Metropolitana de Lisboa, Portugal
I’m an Irish architect in Lisbon, doing a PhD in “Architecture of Contemporary Metropolitan Territories” in ISCTE and working on Horizon2020 project UrbanA (Urban Arenas for sustainable and just cities) in FCUL. While living in Curitiba, Brazil (2014-18), I did a masters in Environment and Development. Living in Barcelona (2006-13) I co-founded the local Transition group and gained a Permaculture Design Certificate (2010) at Mas Franch, also active in Barcelona Indignado square occupations 2011. I worked with Eco Intelligent Growth on LEED and Cradle to Cradle certification, collaborated with William McDonough and developed a White Paper for the Sustainable Urban Development of Barcelona for the Catalan Government. An Ecocity activist since Banja Luka, Bosnia (2003), I set up the Curitiba Ecocity Festival during the 2017 Ecocity World Summit. I represented ECOLISE at COP25 in Madrid 2019 and was part of the Climate Social & Climate Justice Caravan, with indigenous groups, during COP15
Brian Dowling
Hacienda Heights, California, United States of America
I serve as Treasurer for the California Doughnut Economics Coalition (CalDEC.org).
Alice Glendinning
Clonakilty, Co. Cork, Munster, Ireland
Hi I'm Alice. I live in West Cork, in Ireland. Fun interests are gardening, sea swimming, reading, learning and making change. Myself and Moze Jacobs started the West Cork Doughnut Economy Network in 2020, with other change makes and we have been meeting people, running workshops and generally spreading the word about Doughnut Economics ever since.
Antonios Triantafyllakis
Kraków, Lesser Poland Voivodeship, Poland
I’m a strategic consultant, learning designer, and gamification expert with over 20 years of experience helping organisations drive social and environmental impact through experiential learning. I've had the privilege of working with over 40 organisations and training more than 2,000 individuals across three continents, creating transformative learning experiences that build 21st-century skills. My work bridges gamification with sustainability, equipping purpose-driven organisations to achieve measurable impact through playful and experiential approaches. I’m passionate about fostering a world of equal rights and opportunities where diverse, active citizens work towards an inclusive, innovative, and sustainable future. If you’re a purpose-driven organisation, an educator, or a changemaker seeking to amplify your impact and cultivate future-ready skills, let’s explore how we can make a difference together. I’m ready to collaborate and bring lasting change. Let’s change the world together!
Carolina Tomaz
I describe myself as a XXI century economist, who adopts systemic and transdisciplinary thinking, and understands the world as a complex socio-ecological system. My goal is to work with regenerative projects for the development of inclusive, intelligent, and sustainable cities and communities. I have been particularly interested in applying the Doughnut economy model for cities, business and organisations. I have experience with projects planning and management, structuration and implementation of new governance models, and group's facilitation collaborative methods to co-create more effective and sustainable solutions for social problems. I'm part of the Donut Brasil network, and together we are experiencing the tools and knowledge of the Doughnut Economics in many projects and in the Latin America and Brazil contexts.
Cyrus Mbugua
Nairobi, Kenya
Am passionate about Sustainability and the Circular Economy.