News & Updates
Stay up to date with all the latest news from the Doughnut Economics Action Lab
Browsing 65 news items
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Study finds wealthy nations responsible for 74% of global ecological damage
Researchers quantify national responsibility for ecological breakdown across 160 countries over the past 50 years
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DEAL's new policy for consultancies and professional advisors
Setting out clear boundaries on how consultancies and NGOs can support others to engage with Doughnut Economics
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Invitation to be a part of MY PLANET NOW documentary
Your personal experiences of climate change and how you're taking action, both individually and systemically
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Scientists warn: world in serious overshoot of limits on chemical pollution
New study assesses a planetary boundary for chemical pollution (aka 'novel entities') for the first time
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A Competition for Design Students - now open!
The RSA Student Design Awards challenge you to animate one minute of Kate explaining the Doughnut for Cities
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DEAL update: looking ahead to 2022
Introducing a few of the exciting developments that we have planned for the coming year.
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Business and the Doughnut: A DEAL Update
What next for DEAL’s work with business? Policy update, upcoming plans and an invitation to share your insights
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P2P Learning Journeys: Applications Launch
Apply now to explore Doughnut Economics in action at the scale of the household, street and neighbourhood.
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Help us improve the DEAL Community Platform
Explore new feature ideas, and fill out a short questionnaire to help us understand your goals and needs.
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New analysis reveals that no country is living in the Doughnut
A study led by the DEAL Team's Andrew Fanning tracks nations' progress relative to the Doughnut since the early 1990s
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Doughnut Economics features in EastEnders
The legendary BBC1 soap opera has written the Doughnut into the storyline for COP26
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We’re hiring! Could you be DEAL’s Cities & Regions Co-Lead? [Closed]
Are you ready to co-lead DEAL’s work with cities and regions that want to turn Doughnut Economics into action?
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The DEAL Community Platform Turns One!
Celebrating one year of turning Doughnut Economics from a radical idea into transformative action.
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Introducing DEAL’s Business & Enterprise Lead
Leading our work with businesses and enterprises looking to put Doughnut Economics into practice - meet Erinch Sahan.
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Barcelona embraces the Doughnut
Barcelona City Council launches a Doughnut Portrait project to guide action towards a safe and just future for the city.
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Co-creating methods to localise the Doughnut: Share your thoughts!
We're launching a 6-week consultation period for the DEAL Community to share insights into creating Doughnut Portraits.
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Introducing DEAL’s first Cities & Regions Lead
Leading our work with places looking to put Doughnut Economics into practice - meet Leonora Grcheva.
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We’re hiring! Could you be DEAL’s Business & Enterprise Lead? [Closed]
Are you ready to lead DEAL’s work with businesses & enterprises looking to turn Doughnut Economics into action?
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New DEAL Community Platform updates now live
Introducing the DEAL Community Map, a handy Notification System, an Activity Feed, and more!
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Devon Doughnut recognised with international award
The Place Marketing Forum award recognises 'remarkable initiatives' from around the world.
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Co-creating methods to downscale the Doughnut in the global South
Introducing a co-creative process hosted by DEAL that adapts the City Portrait to reflect global South priorities
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We’re hiring! Could you be DEAL’s Cities & Regions Lead? [Closed]
Are you ready to lead DEAL’s work with cities and regions that want to turn Doughnut Economics into action?
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CNBC: Meet the Cities Betting on Doughnut Economics
More and more cities are embracing a Doughnut-shaped economic model to help recover from the coronavirus crisis.
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Introducing the DEAL Community Platform Development Hub
A new space for the DEAL Community to help design and build a great community platform.